Active engagements

Your feedback is important to us, and we want you to know how it informs our decisions. We consider views gathered in our community engagement activities, along with data, advice and legislation.


Our Place, Our Plan — Shaping Glen Eira together

Right now, we are having our biggest ever conversation with our community and we want you to get involved.

We’re calling it Our Place, Our Plan. It is about listening and hearing your views so we can shape Glen Eira together.

What you tell us will help shape our plans for the next four years to continue to support a safe community, build thriving places and businesses and protect and enhance our open space and natural environment.

It will also help us stay on the right track to progress the Community Vision that you developed for what Glen Eira could look like by 2040.

We're asked for the community's ideas about what's important to them when it comes to things like:

  • People, safety and connections
  • Supported communities
  • Connected and thriving places
  • Climate and sustainability
Our Place, Our Plan Shaping Glen Eira together


Project update — March 2025

The Victorian Government has announced that they will take over structure planning for Elsternwick under the Activity Centres Program.

Public consultation for Amendment C256 remains open until Friday 28 March 2025. Council will review all submissions and provide a summary to the Government. We encourage community members to continue submitting feedback.

For details on the Victorian Government’s Activity Centres Program, visit the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Shops and cars along Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick

Glen Eira Community Voice

Help shape your community

Do you live in Glen Eira? We are looking to sign up new members to our Community Voice feedback panel. If you're 18 or older, register your interest to share feedback and make an ongoing impact on Council decision-making.  Sign up today by expressing your interest to help shape your community.