Partnering, working alongside, and supporting our community, helps everyone contribute to the wellbeing of our neighbourhoods and city as a whole.
Philanthropic partnerships
Philanthropic Partnership and Sponsorship
In March 2024, Council adopted a Philanthropic Partnership and Sponsorship Policy [PDF 215Kb]
Our Philanthropic Partnership and Sponsorship Policy considers donations which benefit the local community. It helps us establish and develop strategic relationships with other organisations that support or complement Council’s vision, values or priorities. It seeks to increase opportunities for income generation whilst protecting and preserving Council’s values, assets and interests.
The Policy seeks to provide guidance for evaluating sponsorship and philanthropic partnership proposals through a consistent and transparent process. This may include activities such as financial and in-kind donations, event sponsorships, and philanthropic partnership agreements.
As we navigate our way to respond to the global climate emergency, a growing population and finite financial resources, we work alongside the community to support and prioritise the areas most important to you. These aspirations are outlined in the Glen Eira 2040 Community Vision and the Glen Eira Council Plan 2021–2025.
Partnering, working alongside and supporting our community, helps everyone contribute to the wellbeing of our neighbourhoods and municipality as a whole. We are committed to empowering community groups, businesses and individuals to respond to the needs and opportunities where they live.
Our Philanthropic Partnerships and Sponsorship Policy supports this commitment by providing funding for community initiatives. Under this policy, Council may enter into a philanthropic partnership with a third party. Where there is a formal partnership agreement in place which is endorsed by Council, we may promote this partnership through Council channels.
Current philanthropic partnership agreements
Caulfield Park Sensory Playspace
The project was delivered by Council, in partnership with Community Bank Caulfield Park (Caulfield Park Community Financial Services Limited). The sensory playground is located in Caulfield Park and features an ABC maze, accessible pathways and sensory experiences with different textures, light, shadows and sounds.
For more information, read the philanthropic partnership agreement .
Installation of automated external defibrillators (AED)
The Community Bank Caulfield Park, a Branch of Bendigo Bank, has donated a $5000 contribution to the installation of automated external defibrillators outside its premises at 193 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North and in Staniland Grove, near the corner of Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick.
For more information, read the letter of Agreement between Glen Eira City Council and Community Bank Caulfield Park
Israel 75 Peace Garden
Symbolising the friendship between the Jewish community and the City of Glen Eira, the garden was a gift from Zionism Victoria on behalf of its 60 affiliates and wider Jewish community. Glen Eira is the cultural home of Australia’s Jewish community. The garden is located next to Glen Eira Town Hall.
For more information, read the letter of Agreement between Glen Eira City Council and Zionism Victoria
Smart City Solar Security Lighting
Yiray Technologies has donated to Council $175,000 to install 14 smart city solar security lights at Pawfield Park, Caulfield East. These solar lights will operate from sunset to 10pm (subject to change based on usage and mitigating issues). Inclusion of CCTV camera operation has been added to offer protection of these assets. These new park lights can help to increase community use of Pawfield Park and provide a safe and comfortable environment for visitors to enjoy.
For more information, read the letter of Agreement between Glen Eira City Council and Yiray Technologies Pty Ltd.

Naming Rights
In March 2024, Council adopted a Naming Rights Policy [PDF 252Kb]
This policy sets the guidelines for the naming or renaming of community facilities owned by Council. It aims to provide a fair and transparent process, ensuring that the chosen names align with community expectations and Council objectives.
This may include Council facilities such as parks, where Naming Rules apply, and facilities such as playgrounds, park benches and meeting rooms, which are not subject to Naming Rules.
Along with our Philanthropic Partnership and Sponsorship policy, the Naming Rights policy also seeks to foster community engagement, establish strategic relationships that support Council’s vision, values and priorities, and where appropriate, generate additional revenue.