Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Classified Trees

We are committed to providing an attractive and sustainable environment for the local community and visitors to our City. The Classified Trees Register is a proactive approach to protecting and enhancing trees that meet the Categories of Significance. Protecting these trees will maintain the high levels of amenity, environmental benefits and the character of our suburbs for generations to come.

On this page

How to nominate a tree

We are currently accepting nominations for the Classified Tree Register. If you’d like to nominate a tree, or trees, simply follow the steps below.

Please be advised that due to the volume of nominations received so far, there is a wait time of approximately five months for each nomination to be assessed.

Step 1: Check if the tree is on the register

Before you nominate a tree, find out if it's already on the Classified Tree Register or if it has already been nominated or assessed as ineligible for inclusion in the Classified Tree Register.

Step 2: Check the criteria

When you nominate a tree for the Register, we assess it based on several factors. This includes our Categories of Significance, which are based on the National Trust of Australia criteria for the identification and classification of trees.

For a tree to be considered for inclusion in — or to remain on — the Classified Tree Register, it must be an exceptional example that meets one or more of the criteria below:

Historical or cultural significance

Historical significance
Any tree commemorating a particular occasion, individual or associated with an important historical event may be considered in this category. Like the Lone Pine Tree, Gallipoli — located in Caulfield Park.

Connection to Aboriginal culture
A tree associated with Aboriginal activities or culture such as Scarred trees or Corroboree trees. We have no records of trees on Council Land which are within this criterion.

Particularly old specimen
Any tree that is a particularly old or venerable example of the species such as pre-colonial trees. Like the large river red gum ‘Rosie’ (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) located at Carnegie Railway Station Reserve.

Outstanding visual or physical significance

Outstanding size (girth height spread)
The outstanding size of a tree will relate specifically to the tree species and may vary considerably depending on its height, trunk circumference or canopy. Like the Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) located within Caulfield Park.

Aesthetic value
The tree is a particularly well-formed example of the species that is in a location that makes it striking in the landscape. The loss of a tree in this category would result in a substantial change to the local landscape and a loss of amenity for the community. Like the Tallowwood (Eucalyptus micorcorys) located within Glen Huntly Park.

Unique location or context
A tree that occurs in a unique location or context and provides a major contribution to the landscape and trees which form part of a historic garden, park or town. This may include the blanket inclusion of trees of various sizes in parks. Like the Field Elm (Ulmus minor) located in the McKinnon Road Memorial Garden providing a major feature for the park.

Botanic or scientific significance

Horticultural or genetic value
Any tree which is of exceptional horticultural or genetic value and could be an important source of propagating stock, including specimens that are particularly resistant to disease or environmental conditions. This could include Australian native, locally indigenous or exotic tree species. Like the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) located within Booran Reserve.

Curious growth habit
Any tree which exhibits a curious growth form or physical feature such as abnormal outgrowths. Like the large Peppermint Gum (Eucalyptus nicholii) located in Gardenvale.

An outstanding example of species
Any tree that is an outstanding example of the species at an International, National, State, Regional, Local level or of particular aesthetic value. Like the large Algerian oak (Quercus canariensis) located within Caulfield Park.

Ecological value and significance

Rare or localised distribution
Any tree of a species or variety that is rare or is of very localised distribution. This could include trees that are classified as threatened indigenous or endemic species within its locality or a rare exotic specimen. Like the Weeping Elm (Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’) located within Marara Road Reserve.

Outstanding habitat and biodiversity value
A tree that has outstanding value as habitat for indigenous wildlife, including providing breeding, foraging or roosting habitat, or forming a key part of a wildlife corridor. Like the Kauri Pine (Agathis robusta) located within the island Caulfield Park lake.

Step 3: Nominate your tree

Nominate your tree online using the button below. You will need to provide:

  • An accurate location for the tree(s)
  • Details relating to the chosen selection criteria and why you believe the tree(s) should be included in the Register.

If you are unsure of the property address, please provide an aerial photograph and/or a precise map location.

What happens next?

If the nomination is valid, one of our arborists will contact the tree owner to arrange a time to visit the tree and assess whether it is eligible for inclusion in the Classified Tree Register. Tree owners have the right to object to their tree being listed in the Classified Tree Register.

If we decide that the tree is eligible for inclusion in the Classified Tree Register, it will be formally considered at a Council meeting which is open to the public.

Find out more about assessing a Classified Tree

How to find a registered, nominated or ineligible tree

The first round of nominations for trees to be included on the Classified Tree Register opened on 3 September 2020 and closed on 31 March 2021. Trees that met the criteria were added to the register and those that did not were added to a list of ineligible trees.

Find trees that have been nominated

Find trees that are ineligible

How to apply for a permit to amend a registered tree

A Permit is required to prune, remove or carry out works within the Tree Protection Zone of any Classified Tree within the City of Glen Eira

While Classified Trees within Glen Eira are protected. It is recognised that sometimes a tree may need to be pruned or removed. This could be for:

  • general maintenance of a healthy tree
  • poor or declining health of the tree
  • a tree that has been irreparably damaged because of a storm
  • a tree that has died of natural causes
  • a tree that now poses an unacceptable safety risk to surrounding residents.

When is a permit required?

A permit will be required for:

  • any pruning work that comprises more than 10 percent removal of the tree's volume or if any branches greater than 10 centimetres in circumference at the point of attachment are to be removed.
  • any request to remove a Classified Tree or to conduct excavation or building works within the Tree Protection Zone around the tree.

The purpose of the permit system is to ensure any requested works are done in accordance with Australian Standards AS 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees. This Australian Standard encourages pruning practices and procedures that reduce the potential for a tree hazard developing in the future such as branch failure, fungal infection or premature tree death. Council arborists will assess each application and will provide advice where necessary to ensure a satisfactory outcome for the tree owners and the trees health.

When is a permit not required?

No permit will be required for:

  • minor pruning works to a Classified Tree, where less than 10 percent of the tree's volume is removed and only branches less than 10 centimetres in circumference at the point of attachment are pruned.
  • any tree pruning or cutting which is required to control any immediate danger to property or life arising from a Classified Tree. This may be the case after a storm or other unforeseen event.

Council will need to be notified within five working days of any works carried out to a Classified Tree that were undertaken to control the immediate danger. This will then enable Council’s arborists to conduct an inspection of the tree to determine if any further action is required.

Anyone who needs to undertake works to a Classified Tree can apply for a permit and there are no fees involved. Please print out and fill in the Classified Tree Register permit application form. This form can then be submitted via mail to:

Park Services — Glen Eira City Council
PO Box 42
Caulfield South VIC 3162

Or email ClassifiedTreeRegister@gleneira.vic.gov.au

How we assess Classified Trees

When assessing eligibility, we will consider the Categories of Significance, which is based on the criteria used by the National Trust of Australia for its Register.

If the tree is potentially eligible for inclusion, contact will be made with the owner of the tree or other a relevant landholder to arrange, if required, an inspection of the tree to assist in determining if it has any of the Categories of Significance or any of the negative criteria listed in Appendix 2 of the Policy.

If the inspection identifies the tree as potentially eligible for inclusion in the Register, we must notify all the relevant landholders.

What happens if I am not happy with the decision to nominate my tree?

Any relevant landholder who is unsatisfied with the notice that a tree on their land is eligible for inclusion in the Register may apply in writing for an Internal Review. Substantiating evidence such as an independent arborist report may also be submitted with the application for Internal Review.

The Co-ordinator Trees and Natural Environment undertakes the first review. If the tree is still considered eligible for inclusion in the Register, notice will be provided to the relevant landholder.

A relevant landholder can request a final review by the Manager Park Services. At this point, an independent arborist will be engaged by us to complete an independent report on the tree. The Manager will then consider all the relevant information and decide if the tree is eligible for inclusion in the Register. The Manager will then provide a notice to the relevant landholder.

Apply for an Internal Review by:

After the completion of any Internal Reviews, if a tree is assessed as eligible for inclusion in the Register, a report and recommendation will be presented at Council meeting which is open to the public. Council makes the final decision on whether or not to include a tree in the Register.

Frequently asked questions

Classified Trees are an integral part of our community and are essential for people’s health and wellness. They play a key role within our City by providing environmental, social and economic benefits for all Glen Eira residents.

What is a Classified Tree?

Classified Trees may be growing on Council or private land. Only trees which are assessed as meeting strict criteria are included on the Register. The criteria used for assessment is based on the National Trust of Australia criteria for the classification of trees. Some examples of the criteria include trees with horticultural, environmental and aesthetic value, as well as trees that have links to historical significance and Aboriginal culture.

What is the Classified Tree Register?

Our Classified Tree Register acknowledges and documents trees on Council and private land. The Register is an evolving list of the most valuable and important trees in our City. The Register enables us to protect trees from indiscriminate damage and removal. It also ensures that current and future generations can continue to enjoy the benefits these trees offer.

How to nominate a tree or trees for the Register?

If you think a tree should be recognised as one of the most valuable and important trees in our City — whether it's in your or some else's garden, on a nature strip, or in a public park — you can nominate it to be included in our Register.

Nominate a tree or trees

Will the Register be updated often?

Our urban forest is dynamic, with natural cycles of tree growth, maturation, and death, and we recognise the need for the Register to be regularly updated to reflect this. The first round of nominations of trees commenced on 3 September 2020 and will be open until 31 March 2021. Further rounds of nominations will open after we have considered the trees nominated in the previous round. Additionally, an application to delist a tree from the Register may occur at any time if required.

Why would I want to protect a tree on my property?

The Register provides an opportunity to promote, share and protect the most valuable and important trees in the municipality. Owners of properties where Classified Trees are located play an important role in caring for a valuable community asset. Not only do Classified Trees provide substantial environmental and community benefits, they can also help to reduce energy costs, increase property values and provide aesthetic and amenity value.

How are Classified Trees protected?

Each Classified Tree has a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) which is an area around, below and above the tree. Any building works within a TPZ requires a permit. A permit is also required for any significant pruning, lopping or removal of a Classified Tree. The application of the new controls does not mean that building works cannot take place, but that the health of the Classified Tree will need careful consideration before approval for any works can be given. The need for a permit enables consideration of the impact that the proposed activity may have on the health of the Classified Tree.

Does the Classified Tree Local Law apply to all trees?

No. It only applies to trees on the Register.

Who assesses the nominations?

Nominations will be assessed by Council’s internal arboricultural officers.

Can I apply for a review of the decision?

Yes, you can apply for an internal review. A senior staff member undertakes this review. You also have the option to apply for a further review to be undertaken by our Manager Parks Services. They will engage an independent arborist to provide a report before deciding on whether the tree should be recommended for inclusion on the Register.

Who makes the final decision on whether to include a tree on the Register?

Council makes the final decision at a meeting which is open to the public.

Can a Classified Tree be removed?

While Classified Trees will be protected, it is recognised that sometimes a tree may need to be removed. This could be due to the poor health of the tree; a tree that has been irreparably damaged because of a storm; a tree that has died of natural causes; or a tree that poses an unacceptable safety risk to surrounding residents. Our arborists will be responsible for reviewing these applications and will make a report to Council if they decide the tree is no longer eligible for protection. The Classified Tree Local Law aims to provide a balanced approach between the protection of healthy trees and providing flexibility to residents who need to remove a tree on their property.

How often will you check the condition of Classified Trees?

We will conduct audits every two years. If the audit indicates that a tree no longer meets the criteria for inclusion on the Register, our arborists will notify the relevant landholders and prepare a recommendation for the tree to be delisted from the Register.

How will I know if a tree is on the Register?

We will write to landholders about any valid nominations of a tree on their property. Members of the public can view a copy of the Register on our website. A prospective purchaser of a property can also access Council’s Property Information Certificate, which is usually contained in a section 32 Vendor Statement, containing details of any Classified Trees located on the sale property.
