Milk cartons and bottles

Fresh milk packaging (cartons, bottles, and jugs) can be recycled in the yellow bin. Long-life milk cartons (Tetra Paks) go in the red general waste bin. 

Milk is packaged in a few different ways. Fresh milk, which isn't stored for as long, is typically packaged in recyclable materials like card and hard plastic. Long-life milk, which has to be shelf-stable for much longer periods, is packaged in Tetra Paks which aren't recycled. 

Liquid paperboard cartons - Yellow bin

Small volumes of fresh milk and flavoured milk drinks are packaged in liquid paperboard. Liquid paperboard is a composite material of paperboard sandwiched between two layers of very thin plastic.

Plastic bottles and jugs - Yellow bin 

Most milk is packaged in hard plastic bottles and jugs. These are made of HDPE and are recycled. Make sure bottles are clean and reattach lids to have them recycled.

Glass bottles - Yellow bin or reused. 

Some milk is available in glass bottles. These can be recycled in the yellow bin. Some places offer refill services where bottles can be returned to the store to be swapped or washed and refilled. 

Tetra Paks (long life cartons) - Red bin 

Long life milk and non-dairy milks are packaged in Tetra Paks. Tetra Paks are a composite material of paper, plastic, and foil. These aren't recycled so go in the red general waste bin. 

Reuse tip: Refillable glass bottles are the gold standard when it comes to waste reduction. If a refill service isn't available to you, opt for milk packaged in recyclable materials. 

Milk, almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, dairy milk, long-life, long life, carton, bottle, jug, quart.