Would you like to recognise a volunteer for their amazing dedication and effort in the Glen Eira community? We encourage not-for-profit and community-based groups to nominate volunteers for special recognition as part of our celebration of National Volunteer Week.
Volunteer Recognition Program
Key dates — Volunteer Recognition Program 2025
- Applications open: Monday 3 February 2025
- Applications close: Monday 24 March 2025
Community Awards Event: Held during National Volunteers Week beginning 19 May 2025 (date to be confirmed)
Guidelines are available below with information on how to nominate.
Volunteers make up an important part of the Glen Eira community and provide valuable contributions through their work with a wide variety of community groups and organisations.
Each year we recognise nominated volunteers at our annual Community Awards event held in mid-May during National Volunteers Week.
Eligibility to nominate
Organisations/groups that are not-for-profit and provide community-based services that benefit Glen Eira residents, can nominate volunteers for recognition. Organisations can nominate up to 15 volunteers each year.
All nominations must be endorsed by the organisation and recorded in minutes at a meeting prior to submission. To ensure compliance with Council’s obligations under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, please ensure that you have obtained consent from the person you are nominating. The individual completing the nomination form must be in a position of responsibility (president, secretary or office bearer).
Nomination criteria
Nominated volunteers must provide service within Glen Eira for the benefit of residents. Volunteers must have provided hours/years of service in one of the following categories:
- 500 hours of service
- 1,000 hours of service
- 2,000 hours of service
- 10 years continuous service
- 20 years continuous service
- 30 years continuous service
- 40 years continuous service
- 50 years continuous service.
Nomination requirements
Organisations/groups must meet the following requirements:
- Each nomination should be completed using Council’s online Volunteer Recognition Program nomination form on the Smartygrants portal. Volunteer Recognition Program 2025 - Glen Eira City Council (smartygrants.com.au)
- Consent must be obtained from the person being nominated in accordance with Victorian privacy laws.
- Volunteers may be nominated once only in each category. Hours/years of service are cumulative. For example, a volunteer who receives a 500-hour recognition and then goes on to work another 500 hours, will then be eligible to receive a 1,000-hour recognition.
Nominations open Monday 24 March 2025
Annual Community Awards event
Each year Council publicly celebrates and thanks our volunteers at the Community Awards event held in mid-May during National Volunteer Week. Details about the event will be announced closer to the date.
Organisations/groups will be required to co-ordinate the attendance of their eligible volunteers. Following the Awards event, all Volunteer Recognition Program recipients will be publicly acknowledged by Glen Eira City Council.
If you have any questions about the nomination process email communityawards@gleneira.vic.gov.au or call 9524 3333.