Ordinary meeting of Glen Eira City Council held on Tuesday 28 April 2020.
Ordinary meeting
Tuesday 28 April 2020
The Minister for Local Government has foreshadowed that Parliament will this week consider an amendment to the Local Government Act 2020 to enable councils to hold meetings via video link with effect from 1 May 2020, and for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The next Ordinary Council Meeting of Glen Eira City Council is scheduled for Tuesday 28 April. While this meeting will proceed as planned, a number of Councillors have already indicated that they will be unable to attend the meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions.
There are many matters currently under consideration by Council that warrant full participation in the debate and decision-making process. For this reason, the Agenda for the meeting of 28 April will be restricted to administrative matters only, and those matters that cannot reasonably be delayed.
A Special Meeting of the Council will be scheduled for Tuesday 5 May, via video link, to consider all other matters that would have normally been considered on 28 April. It will be a public meeting livestreamed via Council’s website. Along with other items, the Agenda will include a paper on Action on Climate Change.
Reception and reading of petitions
A petition containing 618 signatures was submitted to the Council Meeting.
The petition read as follows:
This petition draws to the attention of the Council the need for a Climate Emergency Declaration and Action Plan.
Reports from committees and records of assembly
Advisory committee minutes
- Community Engagement Advisory Committee Meeting,1 April 2020
Records of Assembly
- 24 March 2020
- 31 March 2020
- 7 April 2020 Pre-meeting
Officer reports
- 8.1 — 501-503 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield
South - 8.2 — Heritage Review of 58 Lumeah Road, Caulfield North
- 8.3 — Proposed heritage protection for 87 and 89 Kambrook Road, Caulfield North
- 8.4 — VCAT Watch
- 8.5 — New dwellings approved by VCAT decisions that have set aside Council's
decision - 8.6 — Lease with Scout Association of Australia (Victoria)
- 8.7 — Lease with Camelot Traffic School
- 8.8 — Lease with Victorian Rail Track Corporation (VicTrack) - Railway Lot 20
Elsternwick - 8.9 — Financial Management Report for the Period Ending 31 March 2020
Confidential items
- Tender 2020.48 - Provision for Internal Audit Services Local Government Act 1989 - Section 89(2) (d)