A Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7.30 pm, Tuesday 9 June 2020. The Ordinary Meeting of Council will be live-streamed on Council’s website.
Ordinary meeting
Tuesday 9 June 2020
The COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020, which received Royal Assent on 24 April 2020, amends the Local Government Act 2020 by inserting a new Part 12 – ‘COVID-19 temporary measures. The provisions in Part 12 permit Councillors to participate in a council meeting by electronic means of communication. The public is invited to view the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 9 June2020 at 7.30 pm on Council’s website (http://webcast.gleneira.vic.gov.au/).
Please note
If a technical problem is encountered during the meeting, which prevents Council from live-streaming the meeting, then the meeting will be considered to be adjourned for 10 minutes from the commencement of the technical problem which prevents Council from live-streaming the meeting.
In the event the meeting cannot be resumed within 30 minutes of the commencement of the technical problem which prevents Council from live-streaming the meeting, then the meeting will be considered to be adjourned, to be resumed on Wednesday 10 June at 7.30 pm via live-streaming on Council’s website (http://webcast.gleneira.vic.gov.au/).
Council is not responsible for any data usage charges or technical difficulties that members of the public may experience in accessing Council’s live-stream or recordings of meetings.
A copy of each of the live-streamed meetings is placed on Council’s website the day after the meeting (http://webcast.gleneira.vic.gov.au/).
Reports from committees and records of assembly
Advisory Committees
- Elsternwick Cultural Precinct Advisory Committee Minutes 6 April 2020
- Sustainability Advisory Committee Minutes 7 May 2020
- Community Grants Advisory Committee 26 May 2020
- Audit & Risk Committee Minutes 27 May 2020
Records of Assembly
- 12 May 2020
- 19 May 2020 Pre-meeting
Officer reports
- 8.1 Lot S4 — 441-495 Inkerman Road, St Kilda East - P194/2020
- 8.2 — 277-279 Centre Road, Bentleigh Planning Permit Extension of Time Request
- 8.3 —1 Foster Street, Elsternwick
- 8.4 —VCAT Watch
8.5 — Planning Scheme Amendment C197glen Field Street Precinct - 8.6 — Glen Huntly Structure Plan: Draft for Public Consultation
- 8.7 — Glen Eira Heritage Design Guidelines 2020
- 8.8 —COVID-19 - Amended Stimulus Package to Support Businesses, Residents and Community Groups
- 8.9 —Management and Maintenance of the Caulfield to Dandenong LXRP Linear Park Open Space
- 8.10 —Open Space Strategy Refresh
- 8.11 —Bluestone Laneway and Kerb and Channel Reconstruction Policy
- 8.12 — Sale of Discontinued Road – Abutting 448 Hawthorn Rd Caulfield South
- 8.13 — Sale of Discontinued Reserve - Abutting 19 Saturn Street Caulfield South
- 8.14 — Lease - Princes Park, Telstra
- 8.15 — Authorisations under the Planning and Environment Act
- 8.16 — Audit and Risk Committee Members' Remuneration
Ordinary business
Requests for reports from a member of Council staff
- Advocacy on the Glen Huntly and Neerim Road Level Crossing Removals
Confidential items
- Tender 2020.72 Parking Enforcement Services Whole of the Municipality
- Tender 2020.73 Printing of Glen Eira News
- Tender 2020.62 Provision of Information Technology Products and Services
- Tender 2020.164 Supply and Delivery of Produce to Council's Aged Care Facilities.
- Property Acquisiton Opportunity