Submit a petition to us if there's an issue you'd like to bring to our attention.
Submit a petition
To create a petition, download and view/complete our Petition format guide (DOCX, 26KB). You must submit it to the Co-ordinator Councillor Business at least one week before the Council meeting by emailing
Please include the request/reason for the petition, in the required format, at the top of every page of where there are signatures. The page should include name, full address (not email address) and signature.
To be valid, a petition must:
- be signed by five(5) or more people
- begin as follows: 'We the undersigned hereby request Glen Eira City Council to ...'
- contain a maximum of 400 words
- contain the names, street addresses and signature of all signatories
- be closed before they are submitted to Council.
If you have any questions, contact the Co-ordinator Councillor Business on 9524 3333.