2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Good governance

Good governance relies on having effective structures, systems, processes and procedures in place to ensure Council is operating in accordance with the principles set out in the Local Government Act 2020

On this page

There are a range of policies and documents that guide governance at Glen Eira City Council, in line with the Local Government Act 2020. 

Good governance is about more than just complying with minimum requirements, it helps to build an effective, fair and transparent culture for Council that supports the best possible outcomes being achieved for the community. 

Good Governance Framework 

We adopted the Good Governance Framework in June 2024. It’s a valuable resource for Councillors to build a practical understanding of Glen Eira City Council’s governance processes. The Framework aims to show the value of good governance and outlines how the various aspects of Council’s governance system work together. 

Download a copy of the Good Governance Framework [PDF]

Public Transparency Policy  

The Public Transparency Policy formalises Council’s commitment to transparency in its decision-making processes and embeds a culture of public transparency as part of its business as usual, to give effect to the transparency principles as set out in the Local Government Act 2020. 

Download a copy of the Public Transparency Policy [PDF]  

Governance Rules 

The Governance Rules guide the process for our meetings, how we record them, the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and disclosures of conflict of interest and conduct of Council during the Election Period. 

Download a copy of the Governance Rules [PDF]  

Audit and Risk Committee  

The Audit and Risk Committee, governed by the Audit and Risk Committee Charter, provides advice on financial reporting, risk management and compliance processes. It meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by two Councillors and three external, independent members all of whom have full voting rights.  

For more information, visit the Audit and Risk Committee page.  

Councillor Civic Support and Expenses Policy 

The Councillor Civic Support and Expenses Policy covers Glen Eira City Council’s civic support for Councillors, and the parameters and procedures for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred.  

Download a copy of the Councillor Civic Support and Expenses Policy [PDF]

For further information and a copy of the Local Government Act 2020, visit the Local Government Victoria website or the Victorian legislation website

Councillor and Staff Interaction Protocol

We adopted our Councillor and Staff Interaction Protocol on 6 July 2023 in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020. It provides a framework that supports strong and effective working relationships between Councillors and Council offers to deliver good governance.

Download a copy of the Councillor and Staff Interaction Protocol.