Spotted Gum (Corymbia maculata), Kambrook and Neerim Road

This healthy, tall and mature tree is uniquely located within a roundabout at the intersection of 2 larger suburban streets.

  • Tree number


  • Date of assessment


  • Assessing Officer

    Christian Renaud

  • Tree Owner

    Council Tree

  • Record Type

    Single Specimen Tree

  • Number of trees


  • Botanical Name

    Corymbia maculata

  • Common Name

    Spotted Gum

  • Structural Root Zone (SRZ)


  • Approximate age

    40 years

  • Diameter at breast height:


  • Tree Protection Zone (TPZ)


  • Tree height


  • Tree canopy width


  • Coordinates

    Easting: 327097.5 Northing: 5805040.2

  • Glen Eira Asset ID


Statement of significance:

This tree fulfils the criteria of:

  • Unique location or context
  • Aesthetic Value

This healthy, tall and mature tree is uniquely located within a roundabout at the intersection of 2 larger suburban streets. Only a small number of roundabouts in Glen Eira contain trees, with only 3 containing large mature trees. This tree is the tallest of all the trees within roundabouts.

It is a highly visible and prominent, well-formed street tree that makes a striking contribution to the local landscape. It makes a substantial contribution to the neighbourhood character and provides amenity to the community.


Council Report