South African Bushwillow (Combretum caffrum), Hopetoun Gardens

This tree is a very significant specimen of exceptional horticultural value.

  • Tree number


  • Date of assessment


  • Assessing Officer

    Christian Renaud

  • Tree Owner

    Council Tree

  • Record Type

    Single Specimen Tree

  • Number of trees


  • Botanical Name

    Combretum caffrum

  • Common Name

    South African Bushwillow

  • Structural Root Zone (SRZ)


  • Approximate age

    85+ years

  • Diameter at breast height:


  • Tree Protection Zone (TPZ)


  • Tree height


  • Tree canopy width


  • Coordinates

    Easting: 325061.8 Northing: 5804896.3

  • Glen Eira Asset ID


Statement of significance:

This tree fulfils the criteria of:

  • Horticultural or genetic value
  • Unique location or context
  • Particularly old specimen
  • Outstanding size (girth height spread)
  • Aesthetic value
  • Curious growth habit
  • An outstanding example of the species

This tree is a very significant specimen of exceptional horticultural value. It is a large, mature and healthy example of the species which could represent an important source of propagating stock that is uniquely located in a prominent position within the historic Hopetoun Gardens.

It is a particularly old tree for an exotic species within Glen Eira, estimated over 85 years, with a significant canopy spread that has branches arching over public walking paths running through the gardens.

The tree provides significant aesthetic value and amenity to the park and is striking in the landscape. Although a natural feature of the tree, the branches reaching down to the ground are a curious and unusual growth habit for a Council tree within a popular public space. This tree is an outstanding example of the species at the regional level that has already been recognised by Heritage Victoria.


Council Report