2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

River Red Gum "Rosie" (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), Woorayl Street

Tree Report

The is 1 of 12 River Red Gums that make up the 'Carnegie cluster' identified in the “Biodiversity in Glen Eira” report. Read more about the 7 at Woorayl Street Reserve or the 3 at Carnegie Station.

This remnant tree represents an important horticultural resource as possible propagating stock for locally indigenous trees.

  • Tree number


  • Date of assessment


  • Assessing Officer

    Christian Renaud

  • Tree Owner

    Council Tree

  • Record Type

    Single Specimen Tree

  • Number of trees


  • Botanical Name

    Eucalyptus camaldulensis

  • Common Name

    River Red Gum

  • Structural Root Zone (SRZ)


  • Approximate age

    300+ years

  • Diameter at breast height:


  • Tree Protection Zone (TPZ)


  • Tree height


  • Tree canopy width


  • Coordinates

    Easting: 329428.8 Northing: 5804970.7

  • Glen Eira Asset ID


Statement of significance:

This tree fulfils the criteria of:

  • Horticultural or Genetic Value
  • Unique Location or Context
  • Particularly Old Specimen
  • Outstanding Size (girth height spread)
  • Aesthetic Value
  • Outstanding Example of the Species
  • Outstanding Habitat Value

This remnant tree represents an important horticultural resource as possible propagating stock for locally indigenous trees. It is one of only a few remaining remnant trees within Glen Eira as the tree predates colonial settlement with an approximate age of 300+ years and has an impressive canopy spread and significant trunk girth of over 4.6m around.

This is an iconic tree affectionately named “Rosie” that makes a major contribution to the local landscape and neighbourhood character. Together with the other possible remnant and self-sown River Red Gums in the Carnegie Railway Precinct, they provide substantial canopy coverage and local amenity. On her own, “Rosie” represents an outstanding example of the species within the Council.

The Carnegie cluster of River Red Gums has been identified in the “Biodiversity in Glen Eira” report as representing a biodiversity hotspot, forming a key wildlife corridor along with the River Red Gums within the Murrumbeena Railway Precinct. 


Council Report