Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Engaging with residents on parking

Council’s Parking Policy recognises the importance of engaging with residents and stakeholders to determine parking arrangements in neighbourhoods, on busy roads and in busy centres across Glen Eira.

What does the Policy say about engaging with residents around parking?

Engaging with residents and stakeholders is a critical component of the Parking Policy’s systematic approach to determining parking arrangements. The Policy guides Council to develop draft parking plans for neighbourhoods, busy centres (activity centres), and busy roads (transport corridors), and to seek community input on these draft plans and the proposals they include.

For local neighbourhoods, the Parking Policy sets out the following steps for developing a Neighbourhood Parking Plan:

1. Collection of neighbourhood-wide data around existing parking restrictions, parking occupancy rates and extent, enforcement statistics and any previous community feedback from the neighbourhood.
2. Consideration of data as well as information around planning zone, access to public transport and the presence of any major landmarks (that generate parking demand).
3. Council writes to residents/occupiers of the neighbourhood (which includes community and sporting groups, as appropriate) to seek views on a proposed draft parking plan for the area. All recipients will have a minimum of 20 business days from receipt of this letter to make a submission to Council in response.
4. The draft parking plan is revised and updated, before considered at a public meeting of Council prior to implementation.

The major components of these steps are replicated for other locations in Glen Eira, with some differences. For our busy centres (activity centres), Council will write to all immediately affected traders. If the change being proposed is a significant one, the opportunity to have a say will be advertised to the wider community. For our busy roads, a Community Reference Group will be formed to provide additional, in-depth input on a draft Corridor Plan.

For further information, see pages 26-27, 47-48 and 60-61 of the Parking Policy.

What else?

The Parking Policy continues to support the capacity of residents to advocate for particular changes to parking arrangements on their street. Residents in a street can petition Council to undertake an investigation and consider parking restrictions outside of a Neighbourhood Plan.