Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Your Stories — COVID-19 Collecting Project

We are still documenting the daily life of the local Glen Eira community during COVID-19. By collecting your digital photos, documents, videos and audio files. 

On this page

Why do we want to collect?

COVID-19 is a generation defining challenge for our community. There will be lots of material collecting documenting the official response to the crisis. But what is often missing from the historical records are glimpses into the lived experience of individuals and families – things like letters, diary entries, video files, or photographs taken by people like you.

We hope that the material and stories we capture now will help future Glen Eira communities understand what it was like to live through this time.

What kind of material would we like to see?

Digital photos, documents, videos and audio files that document daily local life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the questions below might help spark your imagination.

  • How did you communicate with your family members, loved ones and friends? Any funny or interesting video call catch-ups?
  • What has been the biggest challenge for you?
  • Did you write or keep a journal? Would you like to share some of your words?
  • What are some of the kind things you have seen around your community?
  • Have you connected more with our neighbours? Tell us how.
  • Did you take pictures of chalk drawings or teddy bear hunts?


What will we do with your digital material and stories?

The submissions and material collected will be preserved, both in hard copy and digitally, in Glen Eira City Council’s COVID-19 Collecting Project Archive. Future historians may look to this material to better understand the lived experience of our local community during this time.

We may also like to display, exhibit, publish or reproduce these submissions and materials, for example - in our Town Hall Art Gallery or on our website, in a short film, on social media, in our print or digital publications. For more information, please view our terms and conditions (PDF, 145KB).

If your submission or material includes other people, please remember to point them to this page, and the terms and conditions, and ask for their consent.

Stories shared with us