North Avenue Park is a bright and colourful playground located on the corner of North Avenue and South Avenue in Bentleigh. Located close to the Frankston train line, North Avenge Park is a very popular for train spotting while letting the kids enjoy the playground. North Avenue Park is one of few parks within Glen Eira that is a fully fenced.
North Avenue Park
Dogs – on leash
Rotunda or picnic shelter
The playground at North Avenue Park includes:
- slides
- swings
- climbing equipment and monkey bars
- fireman's pole
- spinner and springer
- educational panel
- shade sails for protection from the sun
Picnic shelter
A shelter covering picnic tables provides cover from the elements and extensive amounts of supervision. The picnic shelter can't be booked at this park.
Dog leash information
North Avenue Park is an on-leash area, which means you must keep your dog on-leash at all times.