2024 Local Government Election:

The local government election period is from Tuesday 17 September, 12pm until Saturday 26 October 2024, 6pm. For more information, visit our Election page.

Our City Plan

Our City Plan provides a framework to ensure Glen Eira remains a great place to live over the next two decades.

On this page

What's the purpose of the Plan?

Glen Eira, like all of inner-Melbourne, is continuing to grow in terms of people, homes and jobs.

The City Plan aims to balance the need to accommodate this growth, with the community’s desire to make sure Glen Eira retains its strength as a place with wonderful amenities, a diverse community and a number of well-connected activity centres.

The Plan provides:

  • policy direction for housing, local jobs / employment and activity centres
  • Important context to inform our planning scheme local policy
  • a planning policy that connects our Council and community plan and the State Government's plan Melbourne objectives
  • policy direction/context for structure plan development 
  • a community-owned response and plan to achieve State Government housing and job targets
  • high level, place-based direction for upcoming strategies.

How did we develop the Plan?

Formerly known as the Activity Centre, Housing and Local Economy Strategy, it was informed by extensive community feedback, including community submissions, expert analysis, background papers, and a review of trends across metropolitan Melbourne.

The Strategy was updated and adopted in February 2020 and renamed the City Plan to reflect its broader policy context to inform the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

The update includes:

  • current statistics and demographic data
  • policy context
  • an overarching strategic planning framework
  • updated activity centre network, and;
  • updated housing section.

The changes respond to the new State Government requirements and align with the Government’s strategic planning document — Plan Melbourne.

To view the Plan, download the City Plan.

For more information on the changes made, you can view the full Council report and attachments presented in the Agenda of the 4 February 2020 Council meeting.  


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