Planning for open space

Did you know that Glen Eira has the lowest amount of open space within any Victorian municipality? That's why we manage parks to balance the need of all community users — all while providing high quality facilities with a diverse array of opportunities. 

We are guided by our Open Space Strategy, which further informs the Masterplans that provide direction and structural guidance on the future developments within our larger reserves. 

Open Space Strategy

Our Open Space Strategy guides the future planning, provision, design and management of public open space in Glen Eira. This includes understanding and addressing the open space needs of the existing community and planning ahead to anticipate and meet the open space needs of the forecast population within the municipality. 

The Open Space Strategy Refresh 2020 was adopted by Council in June 2020. This is a refresh of the 2014 Open Space Strategy and addresses the:

  • above forecast population growth
  • preparation of structure plans for the major activity centres
  • impact of the Level Crossing Removal Projects.

In addition, it updates relationships with new Council Strategy and Policy, presents a revised mapping of catchment areas and considers learnings from the implementation of the 2014 Open Space Strategy. To discover more about our plans for open space, access a copy of the Open Space Strategy Refresh 2020 (PDF 27Mb).

Fair Access Policy and Action Plan

The Fair Access Policy and Action Plan support our commitment to providing opportunities for everyone to participate in community sport and active recreation.

The Policy works to eliminate gender inequality and create a fairer playing field to make community sport and recreation safe, accessible and inclusive — for everyone — from players, coaches, and administrators to volunteers, spectators and officials.

The Action Plan identifies specific actions to progress gender equity in community sport through policy, governance, programs, communications, and delivery of services. It involves Council and sporting clubs working together and outlines specific actions for both Council and clubs to deliver.

Download a copy of the Fair Access Policy (PDF)

Download a copy of the Fair Access Action Plan (PDF)

Planning for Play

Council endorsed the Glen Eira Planning for Play on 23 September 2021. Planning for Play is a guide to creating quality playgrounds in Glen Eira. We developed the guide in consultation with the community and allows you to understand:

  • directions for future planning
  • design considerations
  • criteria and priorities for playground projects.

We often associate play with children, but play is actually important across the entire life span. It’s how we play that changes over time. Playgrounds are important for their great play features, but also for:

  • supporting structures (eg. seats, toilets, bbqs)
  • integrating active recreation and intergenerational play into play spaces
  • health and wellbeing benefits of social play and nature play.

We commit to providing play spaces that are:

  • fun
  • engaging
  • accessible
  • meet community needs
  • attract residents and visitors to our parks and open space.

Read more about Planning for Play — a guide to creating quality playgrounds in Glen Eira (PDF)

GET Active — Future of Sport and Active Recreation

In 2031, do you know how many football players will be playing in Glen Eira, how many lacrosse fields will be required in Glen Eira or what new or modified sports will need facilities? GET Active establishes a framework to guide Council’s future provision and management of sporting and recreation facilities.

GET Active focuses on the importance of sport and active recreation, now and in the future, and contains information on:

  • organised sports participation data
  • existing sports facilities
  • key trends and future sports demands
  • recommendations to meet these demands
  • opportunities to improve access, diversity and integration of active recreation opportunities.

To find out more read our GET Active — Future of Sport and Active Recreation (PDF)

Active Recreation Action Plan

The GET Active report indicated that many of us are looking to ‘get active’ by participating in informal or social active recreation activities. Whilst sportsgrounds provide for sports clubs and can accommodate some level of active recreation, we have found it increasingly important to provide facilities that allow for individual and game play. These include tennis hit up walls, golf birdie cages, basketball and netball rings, bouldering walls, skate parks and table tennis tables.

You will already find many of these spread around Glen Eira parks and reserves, and the Active Recreation Action Plan further provides:

  • an analysis of existing active recreation infrastructure and opportunities, such as programs and facilities
  • strategic direction for the future of active recreation within the community
  • details recommendations to provide for active recreation.

Read more about the future of active recreation in Glen Eira — Active Recreation Action Plan (PDF 6Mb)

Pavilion Redevelopment Strategy

On 25 July 2017, Council endorsed the Pavilion Redevelopment Strategy, a document that provides a clear and equitable framework for prioritising investment into pavilion upgrades and redevelopments.

The Strategy provides an overview of:

  • existing pavilions
  • the purpose of pavilions
  • identifies future needs and opportunities
  • pavilion design
  • priority listings (that are subject to financial planning decision, external factors and competing demands for Council resources).

Read our Pavilion Redevelopment Strategy (PDF) 

Tennis Strategy

Council prepared and adopted a Tennis Strategy on 27 November 2018, providing clear and pragmatic actions towards improving the long-term sustainability of clubs, increasing participation and creating vibrant local clubs. The Strategy directly relates to:

  • people and participation, focused on both retention of existing clubs and their members, as well as improving broader community access to tennis facilities
  • facilities and management, including current facility condition audits
  • directions and actions to assist in supporting the tennis community.

Read our Tennis Strategy (PDF)

Urban Forest Strategy

Glen Eira’s urban forest is the sum of all trees, understorey, shrubs and ground covers and grasses across the municipality — public and private. The urban forest is supported by soil, water and nutrients and provides a wealth of benefits ranging from: 

  • shade provision
  • carbon storage
  • habitat for wildlife
  • reducing air pollution
  • neighbourhood amenity
  • stormwater capture
  • assisting in the mitigation of the effects of climate change.

Guided by our Vision and supported by direction provided in Living Melbourne: Our Metropolitan Urban Forest, the Urban Forest Strategy sets out the following five action areas to enable and inspire our whole community to better protect and strengthen our natural assets:

  1. Maintain and protect Glen Eira’s public and private land urban forest.
  2. Grow the future urban forest through designed solutions for trees and innovative green infrastructure on public and private land.
  3. Adapt to climate change and reduce urban heat impacts through embedding leading practice urban forest management into Council’s decision-making, investment and processes.
  4. Engage and collaborate across sectors with the community, developers and other agencies.
  5. Monitor and evaluate the progress of the urban forest, including progress towards targets.

To find our more read our Urban Forest Strategy (PDF 12Mb) and the Urban Forest Strategy Implementation Plan (PDF 725Kb)


We have developed Masterplans for a number of our parks and reserves, as part of a commitment to upgrade ageing infrastructure and provide future focus for our open space. Consideration is given to how parks function as a whole, and how different elements combine to best provide for our ever-changing and growing community. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • location of buildings
  • opportunity for multipurpose sporting facilities
  • car park and access
  • links and pathways
  • public lighting
  • barbecue and/or picnic areas and other facilities
  • other recreational facilities, such as playgrounds or outdoor fitness equipment, which meet current and future community needs.

The development of our Masterplans involve extensive community consultation and give us clear direction for the future development and management of our parks. 

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