East Caulfield Reserve — Function Room

Hold your next meeting or social event at the East Caulfield Reserve function room, located near Monash University Caulfield Campus.


  • Kitchen Facilities

  • Tables

  • Chairs

  • Heating

  • Disabled Amenities and Access


  • Sunday to Thursday: 8am to 10pm
  • Friday and Saturday: 8am to 12am


  • 100 people

Make a booking

To apply online you will need to create an account or login

Please note: A minimum of three (3) business days' notice is required for all bookings, subject to availability.

When making a booking you must include in your booking time the amount of time you need to set up and then pack up your event. Your total booking time for the venue hire will then be programmed into your permissible access times. If you don’t do this and you then call our after-hours number for help to access and/or close the venue, you will incur additional charges.

During seasonal allocated times the kitchen facilities are to be shared with tenant sports clubs.  Please liaise with our facilities booking officer if you require further information regarding the share arrangements.

Further information

  • 10 rectangular tables 73 x 183cm
  • 80 chairs
  • Kitchen facilities include a cooktop, wall oven, microwave, hot water urn, fridge and freezer
  • Venue dimensions: 11m x 18.9m (Floor area 207.9m²)

Cleaning products and equipment, along with any required cutlery, crockery, utensils and equipment for catered events will need to be supplied as these are not provided.

We maintain a ban on single-use plastic products, see the policy document and for information on running a sustainable event in Glen Eira, consult our Plastic-Free Event Guide below.