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Food businesses

If you own or you're looking to buy a food business in Glen Eira, there's a lot to consider. Whether you're taking over a restaurant or starting a mobile food business, we can help with everything from registration to food labelling.

On this page

In Victoria, under the Food Act 1984, all food businesses that prepare, store or handle food for sale require registration or notification with their local Council. 

If you are looking to start a new food business or buy an existing food business in Glen Eira, there's a lot to consider.

The following animations about how to start a food business developed by the Department of Health will help you with these key considerations whether you would like to start a restaurant or a home-based kitchen.

For further information visit the Department of Health's Starting a food business — what you need to know page.

All new food businesses including businesses where a change of ownership has occurred must apply and be granted registration by Council before they can begin trading.

The Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code set out standards that apply to all new premises, existing premises, home based kitchens used for commercial purposes and temporary and mobile premises and compliance with these standards is a requirement of registration.

I'm starting a new food business or buying an existing food business

Before you start a new business or buy an existing business you should discuss your proposal with one of our environmental health officers.

Call 9524 3333 to speak to an environmental health officer.

For more information, download our Guidelines for starting a new or existing food business (PDF, 4MB)

I'm starting a temporary or mobile food businesses

If you want to start a temporary or mobile food business in Victoria, you must apply for Food Act registration through FoodTrader.

FoodTrader is a state-wide online registration system that allows you to:

  • apply for registration or notification with your local council
  • lodge statement of trade documents with your local council
  • manage your registration.

For more information, visit the FoodTrader website.

The following Department of Health documents may also help you with mobile food businesses and market stalls:

Related resources