Hard rubbish online bookings and Near me are currently unavailable.

To make a hard rubbish booking, contact us on 9524 3333. For Near me visit our online mapping tool. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Permit Navigator

Complete our permit navigator to find out what permits you need from Council to get your business started. The navigator provides you with personalised information. It includes permit types, contact options, application forms and other helpful information.

Please note that these suggestions are indicative and not Council’s final decision on the need of a permit. If you think you may need more than one permit, we recommend you get in touch with our Business Concierge services.

Use our permit navigator and easily find what permits you need to start your new business!
Use our permit navigator and easily find what permits you need to start your new business!

Our navigator has 9 questions and takes approximately 5-10 minutes to finish. Please answer all questions. At the end you will receive a list of recommendations.

Permit Navigator start

  • Are you purchasing an existing food business?If you are buying a food business that is already operating, the registration cannot be transferred to you. Select one answer.


What is the Business Concierge Service? 

This support reduces the length of time to receive your business approvals. It helps you to understand processes, provide advice and complete the application forms correctly from the beginning.  

The Business Concierge Service is here to assist if you: 

  • will be required to apply for more than one permit from council; 
  • have not previously opened a small business; and/or 
  • have not and will not engage a planning or food consultant to help open your new business. 

You can now begin filling in your business approval forms before this meeting if you feel confident.  

To arrange a meeting contact the Business Concierge Service:

Online: complete the Business Support Form 

Email: bconcierge@gleneira.vic.gov.au

Call: (03) 9524 3333 

I have a specific question about one permit.

If you have a specific question relating to one of the permits you need or how to ensure your business complies, contact either Planning; Building; Public Health; or Local Laws before contacting the Business Concierge Service.

Call us on (03) 9524 3333 or email: mail@gleneira.vic.gov.au.  


What if I need more than one permit? 

If you think you may need more than one permit complete our Business support services form. 

Within 7-10 days, we will forward clear instructions on how to proceed. From this point on you will then deal directly with a person in each relevant department, however, you may contact your Concierge Officer at any time with any questions you may have. 

What else can you help with? 

Sign up to Business e-news to keep you up to date with news and information about our Business Events and Free Business Support Programs. You can also visit out visit our Business Support section of the website where you will find information designed to provide you with all of the resources, tools and support you need to take the next step with your business. Here you'll find information about grants, business opportunities, permits, specialist digital support and much more.