The BusEd Program brings businesses and educators together on projects in a range of areas, including website and software development, marketing, and business administration.
BusEd Program — connecting business with education
As a business owner, participating in the BusEd program will give you access to specialist IT skills and business resources to grow your business with little or no cost.
Final year students required to work on a solution for your business needs, allowing students to gain real-life experience in the real business world.
Since 2002 more than 700 Glen Eira businesses have benefited from projects with educators including Monash University, Swinburne University and Holmesglen Institute.
When does the program run?
Projects run within the university year, starting in semester 1 or in semester 2.
Semester 1 applications are now closed. Semester 2 applications will open in May/June. If you’d like to be notified when the program is open for applications, send an email to with the subject line BusEd waitlist.
I’m a business owner — how do I get involved?
If you have made a submission for this round, a representative of the university will be in touch with you in the coming weeks.
- Attend a registration session and discuss your individual business needs with the lecturers of various courses.
- Meet the students allocated to your project to talk about what you want to achieve from the project.
- Engage regularly with students and lecturer to track progress of the project.
- Attend presentation of students’ work at the end of the semester.
What can a student do for my business?
Students work in teams with you, with the support of their lecturers, and are assessed on how well their project meets your brief.
There are two project options:
Project availability depends on student enrolments and changing curriculum requirements. If you have an idea for a project, contact the BusEd program co-ordinator on 9524 3333.
What does it cost?
It is FREE to participate in the program. No fees to students or institutions are payable.
You may incur the normal costs of setting up a service provider and a domain name if web development is your nominated project.
There is an expectation of commitment on your part, regular meetings with students and honest constructive feedback. You must be prepared to invest your time in the projects to achieve the best possible outcome.
While participating institutions are committed to the success the projects, this isn’t guaranteed. But even if students don’t fully meet your brief, you should get some value from the experience.
Find out more
For more information, contact the City Economy Team on 9524 3333.