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Carnegie shopping centre

Surrounded by colourful mosaics and offering a range of specialist retail niches, Carnegie shopping centre is a great place to shop.

On this page

About Carnegie Shopping Centre

Carnegie shopping centre runs from Neerim Road to Dandenong Road, around 12 kilometres from the CBD. It's a mixed-use centre featuring ethnic specialty foods, commercial and professional services, and supermarkets.

The Carnegie Library and community centre is a focal point for study and community engagement, and is just a short walk from the shops and cafes.

Visit the Carnegie Main Street website for a store directory and information about local events.

Parking and train access

With parking in nearby streets and the supermarket carpark, you can forget the hassles of parking in a major shopping centre. You can also get public transport easily, as Carnegie train station sits in the centre of the precinct.

For more information, visit Public transport in Glen Eira.

Contact centre management

Carnegie Mainstreet Traders Association

Chair: Graeme Callan

Email: admin@koornangroad.com.au

Carnegie Main Street website
Carnegie Main Street on Facebook
Carnegie Main Street on Instagram

Please note: The centre manager is responsible for promoting the centre's events and shops. They have no jurisdiction over individual traders’ activities.