Special rates

Councils can levy special rates or charges on property owners to help pay for things that have a special benefit for them. Examples include new roads or business marketing schemes. We currently have several special rate schemes in place to raise funds to promote shopping centres in Elsternwick, Carnegie and Bentleigh.

On this page

Current special rates

Special rates to cover marketing and promotional activities currently apply to commercial properties within the following shopping precincts:

  • Bentleigh Shopping Centre
  • Carnegie Shopping centre
  • Elsternwick Shopping Centre

Our schemes for Carnegie Shopping Centre and Elsternwick Shopping Centre end on 30 June 2024, while the special rate for Bentleigh ends on 30 June 2028.

Here's the relevant documentation for these schemes:

Bentleigh Shopping Centre

Carnegie Shopping Centre

Elsternwick Shopping Centre

How much do I pay?

The basis for calculation is the declared special rate in the dollar (different to the general rate) by the Net Annual Value (NAV) of the property, unless a minimum or maximum cap applies. The benefit levels, maximums and minimums vary between schemes. 

Will we send a separate rate notice?

Yes, we'll send a separate notice for special rates in addition to your general rates notice. The special rates are payable in four instalments.

If you have any questions about our current or proposed special rates, contact our Place Making Officer on 9524 3333.

Proposed special rates

Carnegie Shopping Centre — proposed 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2031

Elsternwick Shopping Centre — proposed 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2031