We offer a vast array of support services, programs and activities that reduce and ease feelings of loneliness and isolation. There are a variety of services available in our community to help you and your family manage and stay connected. Online options are also available for meeting people and sharing a chat or an activity.
Community connections and contacts
In an emergency
Police/Fire/Ambulance — 000
Victoria State Emergency Service (SES) — 132 500
VICSES can provide assistance in an emergency if a tree has fallen and caused structural damage to your home or vehicle, or is preventing you from entering or leaving your home, or your property is flooded or about to flood. If anyone’s life is in danger call 000.
South East Water — 132 812
Report a major burst, sewer issue or emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Defibrillators or AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) can save lives in the event of a cardiac arrest. Glen Eira has many defibrillators located around the community. In an emergency call 000.
Further information on defibrillators.
Crisis support
Food and emergency relief
Ask Izzy
Search more than 400,000 support services to find the help you need nearby.
Bayside Community Emergency Relief
A volunteer-run charity that supports people experiencing hardship and tragedy.
Community Information and Support (CIS) Glen Eira
Free and confidential information, referrals, advocacy and support. Specific services include emergency relief (eg. food vouchers, household bills, medical and travel expenses), no-interest loans, tax help and help to find volunteering opportunities.
1134 Glenhuntly Road, Glen Huntly
9571 7644, Tuesday to Friday, 9.30am–3.30pm.
C Care
A leading front-line community organisation supporting individuals and families experiencing food insecurity and social isolation. Referrals or requests for support can be made online or by phone. C Care always welcomes new volunteers.
2 Bath Street, St Kilda
9696 3321
Compass Community Care
Hosts a range of programs including meals and a safe place to stay, food and care parcels to those in need, companions, support to the elderly, youth engagement, counselling services and support for Ukrainian refugees.
Virginia Park, 236–262 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East, VIC 3165
9557 4974
Not-for-profit group combating food waste and hunger by rescuing edible food from local restaurants and cafes and distributing to charities.
8595 2672
Glen Eira City Council Delivered Meals
Meal delivery service for residents unable to prepare meals due to frailty, disability or ill health.
9524 3333
Indian Care
A not-for-profit organisation that addresses the welfare and wellbeing needs of people of South Asian origin living in Victoria with information and referral services, family violence support, emergency relief, international student support programs.
1300 005 040
Jewish Care
Provides a wide range of services and programs including residential aged care, in-home support, individual and family support, disability support, financial and employment services.
8517 5999
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Offers a range of meals delivered by volunteers.
12 Charnwood Grove, St Kilda VIC 3182 (next to St.Kilda Shule)
0474 215 996
Open Hands
Supports people in the local area who are finding it hard to make ends meet or who are lonely and looking for community connection.
Grocery items and morning tea available Wednesday 10am–11.30am.
40 Toolambool Road, Carnegie
9572 2550
St Vincent de Paul Society
Provides a wide range of supports to Victorians including food and financial relief, family violence services, aged care, emergency housing and homelessness supports.
1800 305 330 (Monday to Friday, 10am–3pm)
Salvation Army
Offers support for grief/loss, loneliness, addictions, loss of job, loss of health.
Thursday: Dawn's Kitchen & Pantry 10am–2pm. Drop in for a cuppa and chat. Lunch and food parcels available. No appointment needed.
Thursday: Market Day 10am–2pm. Fresh food parcels available. No appointment needed.
For financial assistance call 8873 5288, Monday to Friday, 9am–4pm.
87 Robert Street, Bentleigh
9557 2644
Souper Kitchen
Free fortnightly food hampers, fresh produce and other kosher food items.
1800 613 770
Tonys Café
Offers fresh hot meals, produce and grocery items to those in need.
St Anthony’s Hall, corner Grange and Neerim Roads, Glen Huntly
Tuesdays, 12.30pm–1.30pm and Thursdays 3pm–5.30pm
0432 087 494
Family violence support
National sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service.
1800 737 732
Services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities.
1800 755 988
Kids Helpline
Online and phone counselling service for young people aged five to 25. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia
Telephone and online counselling service for men.
1300 789 978
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Free legal advice to residents in the areas of family law, criminal law and civil law.
9783 3600 or 1800 064 784
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
Family violence support and access emergency crisis accommodation.
1800 015 188 (24 hours)
The Orange Door Bayside
Family violence support services.
1800 319 353
Women’s Health in the South East
Health promotion organisation working for the prevention of violence against women, gender equity, mental wellbeing and sexual and reproductive health.
9794 8677
Crisis housing support
Home at Last
Support for older people aged 55 or over to access secure, affordable and appropriate housing. Interpreters are available.
247–251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
1300 765 178
Housing Victoria Statewide Afterhours Service
Victorian Government crisis accommodation service.
1800 825 955 (Monday to Friday, 5pm–9am and 24 hours on weekends and public holidays)
Independent Living Units
Glen Eira City Council provides low-cost rental accommodation for financially disadvantaged older persons in Glen Eira. There are 64 independent living units across three sites.
9524 3333
Launch Housing
Community organisation that delivers homelessness services and housing supports to disadvantaged Victorians.
1800 825 955 (Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm)
Launch Housing Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP)
Provides people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness, with financial and practical assistance to establish and maintain private rental tenancies.
9556 5775
Salvation Army Crisis Service
Assists people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
29 Grey Street, St Kilda
9536 7777 (Monday to Friday, 9am–11pm)
Star Health
Community connections team works with people by helping to link into other services and assists with applying for or maintaining housing.
9525 1300 (Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm)
Alcohol, drug and gambling support services
Bayside Alcohol and Other Drugs Services
Information, support and access to a range of alcohol and other drug services.
1800 229 263
Counselling Online
Counselling Online or DirectLine is a free and confidential service that provides support to people across Australia affected by alcohol or drug use, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1800 888 236
www.counsellingonline.org.au or www.directline.org.au
Family Drug Support
Helps families and friends of people who use substances.
1300 368 186 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Gamblers Help Southern
Offers access to support from qualified counsellors face to face, over the phone or online.
9575 5353 (Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm)
Gambling Help Online
Free counselling, information and support for anyone affected by gambling, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
1800 858 858
Odyssey House Victoria
Offers alcohol and other drug treatment, training and support.
9420 7600
Taskforce Youth Alcohol and Drug Support
Helps young people between 11 and 25 years old to reduce or cease substance use.
9532 0811
Mental health support
Better Place Australia
Dedicated practitioners work with individuals, couples, and families at every relationship transition stage. Services include mediation and dispute resolution service, relationship counselling services, mental stress services with psychologists, financial counselling services and education programs with a focus on understanding relationships and people.
1800 639 523
Beyond Blue
Free, confidential telephone and webchat counselling. 24 hours a day, seven days a week
1300 22 4636
Conversations in Isolation
A volunteer service helping people at risk of isolation and loneliness through regular phone calls.
0492 837 888
FriendLine is for anyone who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat (NOT a crisis service).
1800 424 287 (seven days a week, 10am–8pm)
Online chat (Monday to Friday, 6pm–8pm)
Provides free counselling services and support to anyone experiencing grief loss and or trauma Australia wide.
1300 845 745 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm)
National charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention.
13 11 14
Free telephone and online service for people with stress, anxiety, low mood or depression.
1800 61 44 34 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm, Saturday 8am–6pm)
Phone service for parents and carers of children (0–18 years old) offering confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
13 22 89 (seven days a week, 8am–midnight)
Suicide Call Back Service
Free nationwide service providing phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
1300 659 467
Financial support
Australian Taxation Office
13 28 65
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Victoria
Low-income Victorians experiencing financial hardship are eligible for assistance through no-interest loans and other financial services.
Good Shepherd
Financial support for young people, recent migrants and women.
1300 121 130
Money Smart
Helps Australians of all ages, backgrounds and incomes to increase their financial wellbeing.
1300 300 630
National Debt Help Line
National Debt Help Line helps people tackle their debt problems.
1800 007 007
Services Australia (Centrelink, Health Care Cards, etc.)
Delivered government payments and services.
13 24 68
Legal support
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Free legal advice to people who live, work or study in Glen Eira and surrounds. Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.
82 Brady Road, Bentleigh East
9783 3600 or 1800 064 784
Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre
Supports migrants through delivery of settlement and community-based services.
9767 1900
Community safety
Community Security Group
Records antisemitic incidents and provides related support.
1300 000 274
Crime Stoppers
Call Crime Stoppers to anonymously report suspicious behaviour.
1300 333 000
Neighbourhood Watch Glen Eira
Community-based crime prevention program that shares community safety information and facilitates engagement between the community and police.
Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting
For all non-urgent crimes and events (eg. suspicious activity, reporting past crimes).
131 444
Snap Send Solve
Residents are encouraged to report issues with trees, pavement problems, graffiti, dumped rubbish, broken streetlights, trolleys, water faults or any areas of concern in the local community via the application.
Text STOPIT to 0499 455 455
A non-urgent, text-based notification service for the discreet reporting of unwanted sexual or anti-social behaviours on public transport.
Health services
In an emergency call 000.
The Alfred
Emergency and trauma centres, the state’s largest intensive care unit and home to multiple state-wide services.
55 Commercial Road, Melbourne
9076 2000
Caulfield Hospital (Alfred Health)
Specialising in community services, rehabilitation, aged care and aged mental health. Services are provided in hospital, in the community and at home, depending on the individual’s needs.
260 Kooyong Road, Caulfield
9076 6000
(Please note: There are no emergency services at Caulfield Hospital)
Monash Medical Centre and Monash Children’s Hospital
Provides a comprehensive range of specialist surgical, medical, allied health and mental health services to our community including emergency department.
246 Clayton Road, Clayton
9594 6666
Sandringham Hospital (Alfred Health)
Provides healthcare in emergency, paediatrics, general medicine and in outpatient clinics.
193 Bluff Road, Sandringham
9076 1000
Community health services
Better Health Network (including Connect Health and Community, and Star Health)
An amalgamation of Central Bayside Community Health Services, Connect Health and Community and Star Health. See these services below.
Caulfield Community Health Service
Centre, community and home-based health professional services and health promotion activities. Services include physiotherapy, podiatry, nutrition, type 2 diabetes service, and social work support.
Gate 2, Ashley Ricketson Centre (Building 22) 260–264 Kooyong Road, Caulfield
9076 6666
Connect Health and Community
Services include community transport, dental, podiatry, Gambler’s Help, diet and nutrition, children’s speech pathology, and NDIS services.
2A Gardeners Road, Bentleigh East
9575 5333
Hatzolah emergency first responders bridge the gap between medical emergencies and the arrival of Ambulance Victoria. Hatzolah works closely with Ambulance Victoria and their volunteer responders are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to attend medical emergencies.
Medical emergencies: 1800 613 613
Other enquiries: 8534 0100
Star Health
Provides a broad range of services including GP services, dental services, mental health, podiatry, physiotherapy, dietetics, counselling and diabetes education.
973 Nepean Highway, Bentleigh
9525 1300
Connect with your community
Community and neighbourhood houses
Below is a selection of community organisations across Glen Eira that offer a range of community programs and support. Neighbourhood houses, also known as community houses or centres, offer a wide range of educational, social and wellbeing activities for all ages and abilities and are great places to connect with people in your local community.
Bentmoor Men’s Shed
A local, informal venue where men in the community (aged 18 and over) can spend time together to share their skills and experiences. A women’s program runs on Tuesday afternoons and evenings.
Moorleigh Community Village
92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
0481 369 191
Chatty Café
Helps connect communities and increase social interactions by bringing people together to chat — either in their favourite local café or community spaces such as Neighbourhood Houses and libraries.
You can find your nearest Chatty Café at: www.chattycafeaustralia.org.au/find-a-chatty-table
Caulfield South Community House and Garden
A community gathering space providing programs and classes to improve physical and mental wellbeing, a vibrant community garden, childcare and opportunities to connect and volunteer.
450 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South
9596 8643
Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre
Community, not-for-profit Registered Training Organisation offering quality and affordable accredited courses in English as an additional language and literacy, computer and skill development, as well as a range of personal development and social engagement activities.
169A McKinnon Road VIC, 3204
9578 8996
Godfrey Street Community House
Provides high quality, cost effective and inclusive community programs that facilitate community engagement for all residents.
9 Godfrey Street, Bentleigh
9557 9037
Moongala Women’s Community House
A not-for-profit community-based organisation offering a range of low cost educational and general interest classes, self-help, support groups and friendship groups.
92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
03 9570 3468
Moorleigh Community Village
Home to 24 community groups and a vibrant hub offering a range of social connection and learning opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. Moorleigh also features a sportsground, a recreational space and a fantastic multipurpose facility. For further information on groups, contact the community strengthening officer.
92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
9524 3333
Community Gardens
Carnegie Laneway Garden and Gallery
A series of vibrant laneway ‘gardens and galleries’ open to the community and maintained by volunteers.
Koornang Road to Graceburn Avenue, Carnegie
(You can also make contact through the fairy note box in the laneway!)
Caulfield South Community House and Garden
A community gathering space providing programs and classes to improve physical and mental wellbeing, a vibrant community garden, childcare and opportunities to connect and volunteer.
450 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South
9596 8643
East Bentleigh Village Garden
An inclusive and welcoming gardening community.
90–92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East (rear of Moorleigh Community Village)
0484 131 708
Murrumbeena Community Garden
Gardeners can meet with the community and build friendships with people who share the garden space.
117 Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena (rear of Murrumbeena Uniting Church)
Glen Eira Libraries
Providing access to collections of books, talking books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs and games, as well as a range of live programming and events for all ages.
Glen Eira Libraries also have wifi, public computers and printing facilities, and space for meetings, private work or study. Online services include e-audiobooks, e-books and magazines, movies, language resources, and a wide range of events for children and adults.
9524 3700
- Bentleigh Library and Youth Hub
161 Jasper Road, Bentleigh - Carnegie Library
7 Shepparson Avenue, Carnegie - Caulfield Library
Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield - Elsternwick Library
4 Staniland Grove, Elsternwick
Home library visits
Brings books (and other materials) right to your front door: for those experiencing frailty, older people and people with disabilities who can't visit the library. Contact the home library service co-ordinator on 9524 3700 or email HomeLibraryService@gleneira.vic.gov.au
Presents high quality curated exhibitions with works from established and emerging Australian artists and public programs for all ages.
Monday to Friday, 10am–5pm
Saturday to Sunday, 1pm–5pm
Closed all public holidays.
Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield
9524 3333
Volunteering opportunities
Glen Eira has volunteering opportunities to suit a range of interests and abilities.
Volunteers of Glen Eira
Community Information and Support Victoria delivers volunteer support services in and around the Glen Eira municipality and can assist individuals to find suitable volunteering opportunities.
03 9571 7644
Volunteer Community Support
Volunteer visitor service in the home for social interaction and companionship.
Over 65: My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 www.myagedcare.gov.au
Under 65: contact Service Centre on 03 9524 3333
It’s important that we all live more sustainably to protect and care for our environment. There's a lot you can do to live more sustainably and simply. Council has a range of information, free programs and resources to help you become greener at home, work and school.
Discover sustainable and environmental community groups that are active in Glen Eira:
Heritage centres
Labassa Estate
Ripponlea Estate
Sport and recreation
Connecting with your community through physical activity or sport has benefits for both your physical and mental wellbeing. Glen Eira has a range of accessible options for all members of the community.
Bike paths are available across the City, including the historic Rosstown Rail Trail and Elster Creek Trail.
Dog walking and off-leash areas
Glen Eira Leisure
Caulfield Recreation Centre
6 Maple Street, Caulfield South
Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (GESAC)
200 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East
Carnegie Memorial Swimming Pool (under construction)
Koornang Park, Moira Avenue, Carnegie
Construction scheduled to conclude in late 2024.
Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre (GESAC)
200 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East
Carnegie Memorial Swimming Pool (under construction)
Koornang Park, Moira Avenue, Carnegie
Construction scheduled to conclude in late 2024.
Glen Eira self-guided walking tours
Parks and playgrounds
Sports clubs
Glen Eira has a thriving sporting community with more than 60 sporting clubs. There are plenty of opportunities to become involved in different sports such as football, cricket, soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, tennis, lawn bowls, croquet, netball, basketball and athletics.
Sports for people with disabilities
See also MACCABI (listing under Disability and Carer Support).
Children, youth and family support
Glen Eira City Council offers a range of direct services and programs to support the wellbeing of children and families, including guidance around immunisation, enrolling in kindergarten, and finding childcare.
Glen Eira Maternal and Child Health
Our maternal and child health service provides free guidance, support and practical information in parenting, maternal health and family wellbeing to Glen Eira families with children from birth to school age. Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm
9524 3403.
Playgroup Victoria
Playgroups bring young children, parents, families and communities together to learn and develop through informal play activities and social interaction. Any child from newborn to five can join.
1800 171 882
Toy libraries
At a toy library, you can borrow well-made toys that have been designed to support your child’s skill development and imagination. Toy libraries enable families to connect with one another through volunteering and events, and encourage children of all ages and abilities to enjoy learning through play.
Carnegie Toy Library
12 Munro Avenue, Carnegie
0448 770 142
Moorabbin Area Toy Library
Moorleigh Community Village
90—92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
9570 3590
Young people
Centre for Multicultural Youth
A not-for-profit organisation based in Victoria, providing specialist knowledge and support to young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
9340 3700
Glen Eira Youth Services
Council offers a range of events, programs and support services for young people to maintain their health and wellbeing and help connect with the community.
9524 3676
Headspace supports young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, as well as work and study support.
Headspace Bentleigh
Ground Floor, 973 Nepean Highway, Bentleigh, Victoria 3204
9076 9400
Headspace Elsternwick
319–321 Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick, Victoria 3185
9076 7500
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is a 24-hour telephone service that is available for young people (aged between five and 25) who need advice, counselling or just someone to talk to.
1800 551 800 (24 hours)
Minus 18
Provides social connection and events for young people. Provides training for workplaces and schools.
Seniors/older adults support
My Aged Care
All people aged 65 or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people) need to contact My Aged Care for an assessment in order to access support services. My Aged Care is the starting point for accessing Federal Government-funded services.
After you register, My Aged Care will refer you to either the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) or the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). They will conduct an assessment with you in your home, discuss what you can manage independently and what assistance you may need.
If you’re eligible for assistance, RAS or ACAS will refer you to your preferred service providers who will contact you to discuss the type of services you need and associated costs.
1800 200 422 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm and Saturday, 10am–2pm)
Glen Eira City Council Aged Care Services
Council provides a range of services to support older people experiencing frailty and their carers to live independently in our community including:
- Domestic assistance
- Home maintenance
- Personal care
- Social support programs
Contact My Aged Care to arrange a referral to our aged care services.
1800 200 422 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm and Saturday, 10am–2pm)
Caulfield Community Health Service — access and support service for over 65s
Gate 2, Ashley Ricketson Centre (Building 22) 260–264 Kooyong Road, Caulfield VIC 3162
9076 6776
Connect Local
Connect Local is free program run by Connecting Communities to Care to promote wellbeing through social connection for people aged 65 and over. You can find a community directory on their website.
1800 929 022
Council on the Ageing (COTA) is an advocacy organisation which lobbies for action at a national level on issues affecting seniors.
1300 13 50 90
Dementia Support Australia
Supports people with dementia and their care network. Phone support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
1800 699 799
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Help for older people to understand and exercise their aged care rights, seek aged care services that suit their needs and find solutions to issues they may be experiencing with their aged care provider.
1800 700 600 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm, Saturday, 10am–4pm)
Probus clubs offer a range of social activities, outings and guest speakers and are open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired. Local clubs include Glen Eira, Moorleigh and Sandbelt Ladies.
1300 630 488
Senior citizens centres and clubs
Senior Citizens Centres provide a friendly and welcoming environment for residents aged over 60. There are six Senior Citizens Centres in Glen Eira, all of them are meeting places for local clubs and support groups with a variety of cultural backgrounds and interests.
9524 3333 contact Healthy Ageing Officer, Diversity and Inclusion Team
Seniors Rights Victoria
Information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse.
1300 368 821 (Monday to Friday, 10am–5pm)
University of the Third Age (U3A)
U3A is a worldwide movement catering to those in the ‘third’ or ‘golden age’ of life. They are volunteer cooperatives of older people who share many educational, creative and leisure activities.
Glen Eira U3A
1151 Glenhuntly Road, Glen Huntly
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.30am–3pm
9572 0571
U3A Bentleigh
92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
9570 3929
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and support
Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council
Represents the traditional people and custodians of the lands from the Werribee River to Wilson Promontory and are proud members of the Kulin People — the Boonwurrung and Woiwurrung.
Level 1, 14 Acland Street, St Kilda 3182
Bunurong Land Council
Traditional Owner organisation that represents the Bunurong people of the South-Eastern Kulin Nation. They aim to preserve and protect the sacred lands and waterways of their ancestors, their places, traditional cultural practices, and stories.
336–340 Nepean Hwy, Frankston
9770 1273
Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
Aboriginal cultural heritage work, cultural and educational services, and land management.
9416 2905
Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV)
The lead agency for Victoria’s Aboriginal housing and homelessness policy, responsible for managing more than 1,500 rental properties for Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria.
1800 248 842
Connect Health and Community (Better Health Network)
Culturally safe health service.
9575 5333
Culture is Life
Aboriginal-led not-for-profit organisation supporting First Nation’s young people.
Derrimut Weelam Gathering Place
Cultural and social hub for First Nations people.
0418 132 796
Mallanbool Reserve
Beautiful open space with a cultural and botanical trail on the history of the Kulin Nation.
Corner Leila and Murrumbeena Roads, Murrumbeena
Star Health (Better Health Network)
Health and social services for First Nations people.
9525 1300
Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)
Supports culturally strong, safe and thriving Aboriginal communities, with youth services, justice support and cultural strengthening programs.
9287 8800
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS)
Addresses the specific medical needs of Victorian indigenous communities.
1800 959 563
Multicultural support
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Information and support services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
8772 1380
Bayside Refugee Advocacy and Support Association
Independent community group raising awareness of the issues faced by asylum-seekers in Australia and its overseas detention centres in Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria
The peak body for migrant and refugee communities in Victoria working with more than 220 member organisations, including ethnic associations, multicultural service providers, and eight regional ethnic communities’ councils.
9354 9555
Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre
See listing under community and neighbourhood houses.
A range of services for culturally and linguistically diverse members of our community.
Moorleigh Multicultural Seniors Centre, North Wing, 92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
1800 642 273
Translating and Interpreting Service
An interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
131 450
Victorian Multicultural Commission
Main link between communities and the Victorian Government, the Victorian Multicultural Commission engages with multicultural and multifaith groups to understand the issues they face.
Disability and carers support
Disability support
Programs for young adults with disabilities, working in a Jewish cultural context.
304 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South
9272 5603
Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities (ADEC)
ADEC’s advocacy program assists people living with a disability, their carers and family members to understand their rights, access information and services, and to speak up for what is needed to improve their situation.
9480 7000
Chat n’ Chuckle
A fortnightly discussion group for anyone with an acquired brain injury to meet others, share news and views, discuss ideas and have fun. You don’t have to live in Glen Eira.
For further information or to register, contact Council’s Service Centre on 9524 3333 or email accessandinclusion@gleneira.vic.gov.au
Godfrey Street Community House, 9 Godfrey Street, Bentleigh and online.
Companion Card
A card for people with significant and permanent disability who have a lifelong need for a high level of support to participate in community events and activities. The card allows a person’s carer free entry into participating venues and events.
1800 650 611 (Monday to Friday, 10am–2pm)
Disability Gateway
Information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.
1800 643 787 (Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm)
Disability Services Directory
The online directory lists around 30 local disability services providers, as well as their contact details and an overview of how they can help you. www.gleneira.vic.gov.au/services/disability-and-accessibility/find-a-service/disability-services-directory
Home and Community Care Program
If you’re under 65, you may be eligible to access services through the Home and Community Care Program for Younger People (HACC-PYP). This program aims to help you live at home as independently as possible by providing assistance with daily activities, including personal care, dressing, preparing meals, house cleaning, property maintenance, community access and using public transport. For help accessing the HACC-PYP, call our In-Home Support team on 9524 3333.
Connecting the Jewish Community through sports and wellbeing.
1/115 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North
9563 5865
Marriott Support Service
Programs and services for adults with disability.
15a/56 Keys Road, Cheltenham
9555 0777
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS provides Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with support they need in their homes, workplaces, schools and community activities.
1800 800 110
Southern Disability Advocacy
Free and independent service that advocates for the rights and interests of people with a disability on issues such as National Disability Insurance Scheme, housing and services.
PO Box 161 Bentleigh 3204
Office: 2/128 Balcombe Road, Mentone
9553 5977
Carers support
Are you caring for someone in your family or maybe a friend or neighbour? There are a range of support services, activities, training and events available to carers from government, service providers and community organisations.
Alfred Health Carer Services
An advisory and support service for carers located in Melbourne’s south.
1800 512 121
Carer Card
The Victorian Carer Card recognises the significant contribution carers make to the lives of people they care for and the communities in which they live. The card provides discounts and benefits to carers at various venues including Glen Eira Leisure.
1800 901 958
Carer Gateway
An Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.
1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm)
Carers Victoria
The statewide voice for family carers, representing and providing support to carers in Victoria.
1800 514 845 (Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm)
Little Dreamers Australia
Supporting young carers.
1800 717 515
LGBTIQA+ support
Youth specific
Glen Eira Pride
Aims to bring LGBTIQA+ young people and their communities together. Glen Eira Pride holds different events and activities on a term-based basis, each term having a different focus area.
Provides social connection and events for young people. Provides training for workplaces and schools.
A pride space/peer support group facilitated by and for young people aged 16 to 25, a safe place to chat about gender, sexuality or queer things, and connect with other young people, on Thursday afternoons during school term. Call Headspace Bentleigh to get involved.
9076 9400
Resources and directories
LGBTIQ+ Liaison Officers — Victoria Police
Victoria Police has more than 450 LGBTIQ+ liaison officers (LLOs), serving as contact points for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community.
www.police.vic.gov.au/LGBTIQ-liaison-officers#contact-an-llo or contact your local police station.
Rainbow Door
A free support service for the LGBTIQA+ community.
1800 729 367 (10am–5pm)
Provides a free and anonymous peer support and referral service for LGBTI people.
1800 184 527 (seven days a week, 3pm–midnight)
Transcend Australia
Provides information, support and connection for trans and gender diverse children, their families and carers.
Social support
Aleph Melbourne
A social, support and advocacy group for same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex people (and allies) who have a Jewish heritage, living in Melbourne, Australia
0417 595 541
Rainbow Network Directory
Search the Rainbow Network Directory to find LGBTIQA+ groups and services all over Victoria.
The Victorian Pride Centre
Home to various LGBTIQ+ resident organisations; spaces for hire, a theatrette and gallery.
79–81 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
7035 3592
A peer support group for parents, siblings, extended family and friends of a trans and gender diverse person.
Community transport
Australian Red Cross Transport Service
Provides a door-to-door transport to assist you to attend non-emergency medical appointments.
1800 131 701
Community Transport — Better Health Network (Connect Health and Community)
Community transport aims to assist people who are unable to use private or public transport to get out and about. Individual and group transport provided by volunteers.
9575 5386
Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP)
The MPTP assists with the travel needs of people with accessibility and mobility needs who also experience financial hardship by offering subsidised commercial taxi fares.
1800 638 802