Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Homelessness support

There is a range of services in Glen Eira that offer homelessness support, from housing to financial help and referrals. Some organisations offer short-term or crisis housing, while others can help you stay where you're currently living. Some are also available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

On this page

How can you help?

Homelessness is not a choice. Homelessness is one of the most potent examples of disadvantage in the community, and one of the most important markers of social exclusion. There is a range of services in Glen Eira that offer homelessness support, from housing to financial help and referrals.

I want to offer face-to-face help to a rough sleeper in my area

Although you may want to offer face-to-face help to a person you have seen sleeping rough, it is important to remember that the best point of call is a professional who works in the field. If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough, please call Launch Housing on 1800 825 955 or Better Health Network on 9525 1300 for support and advice.

I’ve previously provided someone with services but they are still sleeping rough

A person experiencing homelessness may not be using services for a number of reasons. They may have had a bad experience with shelters, or it may be unsafe for them to use. It is always a person’s choice whether they use these services or not.

I have seen someone who is in need of assistance due to an illness or injury, or might be unconscious

Call 000 immediately.

Someone I know is experiencing homelessness

There is stigma around homelessness, and someone experiencing it may feel embarrassed, vulnerable and hopeless — and may not reach out for help. If you suspect that someone you know is experiencing any of the types of homelessness above, the most important thing is to offer support in a caring and
non-judgemental way. While offering your support will show you care, it is also important to remember to let them be in control of the situation to feel empowered.

If safe and you feel comfortable to do so, ask them if they have access to the contact information of local support services. If not, let them know they can call the free 24-hour Crisis Line at 1800 825 955. A housing and support worker will take their call and refer them to help in their local area. You can also refer them to list of support services on this page.

I have seen a homeless person being harassed

Call 000 immediately.

How you can get more involved?

There are many ways you can get more involved to help people facing homelessness.


If you are in the position to do so, you can donate money or goods to many homeless services in Victoria:


You can offer your time and help by volunteering at Launch Housing or Better Health Network, or looking into many volunteering opportunities through Volunteering Victoria and Volunteer.Vic. Volunteering is an essential part of supporting those facing homelessness.


You can still make an impact by advocating for homeless services in Victoria. Search for your local MP who you can contact to advocate for homeless support and services.

Homelessness is when you don't have stable, safe, secure or adequate housing. It can affect anyone and its causes could result from family violence, a shortage of affordable housing, unemployment, mental illness, family breakdown or drug and alcohol abuse.

See below for relevant services or download our Glen Eira Homelessness Support Resource (PDF, 300KB).

Emergency contact numbers

In case of an emergency, you can call any of the following phone numbers, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

For people experiencing homelessness

Launch Housing: 1800 825 955 for a local response between 9am and 5pm (calls outside these hours are diverted to Salvation Army Crisis Services).

For women and children experiencing family violence 

Safe Steps: 1800 015 188

Emotional support 24 hours a day

Lifeline: 13 11 14


1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732 for national sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling services.

Orange Door Bayside

Orange Door Bayside: 1800 319 353 for family violence support services

Emergency number

Triple Zero (000) for police, fire and ambulance.

Nurse on call

1300 606 024 (24 hours) phone advice for medical concern/illness.


1800 650 890 youth mental health service for 12 to 25 year olds.

Switchboard Victoria

1800 184 527 for telephone and web counselling, information and referral service for the LGBTIQA+ community. Support line open from 3pm to 12 midnight, seven days a week.

Housing support

A range of local organisations can help you find housing. They may be able to help you access short-term, crisis or traditional housing, or help you to stay where you currently live. They can also offer general housing advice.

Launch Housing Cheltenham
Level 1/11 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham
03 9556 5777
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Launch Housing St Kilda
122 Chapel Street, St Kilda
1800 048 325
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Salvation Army homelessness services
St Kilda Crisis Centre, 29 Grey Street, St Kilda
03 9536 7777 or 1800 627 727
Monday to Friday, 9am to 11pm

Better Health Network
Community connections team works with people by helping to link into other services and assists with applying for or maintaining housing.
03 9525 1300
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Home at Last
Support for older people aged 55 or over to access secure, affordable and appropriate housing
247–251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
1300 765 178
Interpreters are available

Information, referral and material assistance

The following services can refer you to government, community and relevant not-for-profit agencies.

Community Information and Support Glen Eira
1134 Glenhuntly Road, Glen Huntly
03 9571 7644
Monday to Friday, 9.30am– to 4pm

Salvation Army — Bentleigh
87 Robert Street, Bentleigh
9557 2644
Tuesday and Thursday, 9.30am to 12.15pm

St Vincents de Paul Society
Welfare Assistance Line
1800 305 330
Monday to Friday, 10am to 3pm

Seniors Rights Victoria
1300 368 821

Financial help or services

Centrelink — Financial Information Service
Provides information to customers and potential customers about Centrelink benefits.
13 23 00

Jewish Care
Offers financial counselling and support, as well as interest-free loans for individuals and families from the Jewish Community.
619 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
03 8517 5999
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Money Help
1800 007 007
A free financial counselling service that helps you manage your money and debt.

Legal help

Victorian Legal Aid
1300 792 387

Peninsula Community Legal Centre — Tenancy Assistance and Advocay Program
1800 064 784
Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm

Note: these times and dates are subject to change. Correct as at April 2021.

Related resources