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Multicultural Advisory Committee

Our Multicultural Advisory Committee was established in 2022.

The role of the committee is to provide feedback and advice to Council on activities, engagement and communication strategies with people and communities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds. The committee is made of 12 community representatives, 9 organisations representatives and 4 councillors.

The expression of interest to join the committee is currently closed. Multicultural Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Councillor membership

Cr Zhang, Cr Athanasopoulos, Cr Zmood and Cr Karslake

The committee's six priorities are:

  1. Create a catalogue of programs, activities and events that are provided for our diverse multicultural community by Council and community organisations.
  2. Identify improvements to Council and community activities and events that enable greater access and inclusion of our diverse multicultural community.
  3. Promote programs, activities and events that are provided for our diverse multicultural community. 
  4. Improve communications with our CALD community through accessible and universal language, easy English and translations. 
  5. Improve community engagement with our CALD community to empower all people to have their voices heard in Council’s decision-making. 
  6. Convene a multicultural forum for local CALD and multifaith community leaders to advance Glen Eira’s strong position against racism and discrimination.

For further information on our Multicultural Advisory Committee, contact our Diversity and Inclusion Officer on 9524 3333 or email multicultural@gleneira.vic.gov.au