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Refugee Welcome Zone

We are proud to be a Refugee Welcome Zone, having signed the Refugee Welcome Zone Declaration in 2018. The declaration is part of the Refugee Welcome Zone initiative that began in 2002 and is led by the Refugee Council of Australia.

On this page

We are joined by more than 170 other councils nationally who have registered as Refugee Welcome Zones. This public commitment is also an acknowledgment of the tremendous contributions refugees have made to our Australian society in the fields of medicine, science, engineering, sport, education and the arts. By making this declaration it is hoped that local government will be encouraged in their continuing efforts to support the men, women and children who make the difficult journey to Australia to seek our protection.

Who is a refugee?

A refugee is someone who has fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and has crossed an international border to find safety in another country. Sometimes the term refers to a person displaced due to a natural disaster.

For more information about refugees and asylum seekers, visit the Refugee Council of Australia-Refugees and Asylum Seekers website.

For more information about the different types of visas, visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

What is a Refugee Welcome Zone?

A Refugee Welcome Zone is a Local Government Area which has made a commitment in spirit to:

  • welcoming refugees into the community
  • upholding the human rights of refugees
  • demonstrating compassion for refugees
  • enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.
Refugee Welcome Zones

How Glen Eira supports refugees

There are many different services offering support within Glen Eira including:

For more information or if you have any questions about these services contact us 03 9524 3333 or email multicultural@gleneira.vic.gov.au