The Wellbeing and Cultural Dates of Significance calendar outlines the dates of significance that Council will celebrate in 2025. The calendar includes a description of the dates of significance as well as information on the types of activities that Council will deliver to recognise them.
Significant Wellbeing and Cultural Dates 2025
Along with this webpage, we share promotions through various communication channels. These may include:
- social media posts
- articles in Glen Eira News
- acknowledgement letters or certificates
- banners displayed on Town Hall
- Town Hall light-ups and links to relevant activities.
Midsumma Festival
19 January–9 February
Australia’s premier queer arts and cultural festival runs over 22 days in Melbourne’s summer each year featuring a diverse mix of LGBTQIA+ artists, performers, communities, and audiences.
Activity: Council and community to participate in Pride March on Sunday 2 February 2025.
Promotion: LGBTIQA+ Pride Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the festival.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
27 January
An international day in memory of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust, designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with yellow lights. Link to Melbourne Holocaust Museum activity shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Lunar New Year
29 January
Also known as Chinese New Year, is an annual 15-day festival in Chinese and Asian communities around the world that begins with the new moon that occurs sometime between January 21 and February 20 according to Western calendars.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the date and highlight the event.
National Apology Day Anniversary
13 February
On 13 February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly to the Stolen Generations whose lives had been blighted by past government policies of forced child removal and assimilation. Annually this day is recognised as an anniversary of the apology.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
1–30 March
Ramadan is a month long fast in the Islamic faith, it holds great significance to Muslims around the world, commemorating the revelation of the holy book of Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad. During this time, Muslims fast from dawn until dusk, refraining from food and drink (not even water) and dedicate themselves to prayer, charity, and self-reflection.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise Ramadan.
International Women’s Day
8 March
International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women, who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
Event: Community event at the Glen Eira Town Hall
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with purple lights. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
National Close the Gap Day
Third Thursday in March
A day of action to pledge support for achieving Indigenous health equality by 2030. The Close the Gap campaign launched in 2006, when Tom Calma, the then Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, released his report highlighting the appalling gap in life expectancy and health standards in Australia.
Promotion: Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
17-23 March
Neurodiversity recognises that everyone experiences the world differently, but it can sometimes be challenging to get the world to acknowledge that it’s okay to be different. Neurodiversity Celebration Week aims to be more inclusive, recognising and accepting the differences. Neurodiversity includes the autism spectrum and ADHD, as well as dyslexia and dyspraxia. The week provides an opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate individual strengths and talents that come from thinking and perceiving the world in a different way, in contributing to a richer and inclusive Glen Eira community.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channel, including this webpage, to recognise the week.
Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Week
17–23 March
Cultural Diversity Week is a time to celebrate the power, influence, and stories of Victoria's rich multicultural communities, and all Victorians are invited to participate through a variety of in-person events and activities.
The ongoing theme of Harmony Week is ‘everyone belongs’ and it is a time of cultural respect for all. Harmony week also includes United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 21 March.
Activity: Community activity.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with orange lights. Messages shared through Council’s communication, including this webpage channels to recognise the week.
Eid al Fitr
30 March
An important religious holiday that celebrates the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Also known as the festival of the ‘Breaking of the Fast’.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication, including this webpage channels to recognise the day.
Neighbour Day
30 March
Neighbour Day is your opportunity to celebrate your community and look out for each other. Check in with a neighbour to help build the community you want to live in.
Promotion: Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to promote Good Neighbour Program, to recognise the day.
International Transgender Day of Visibility
31 March
International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility) is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender people and simultaneously raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.
Promotion: LGBTIQA+ Pride Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
World Autism Awareness Day
2 April
World Autism Day is one of only seven official health-specific United Nations sanctioned days. Just as every person comes in various shapes, sizes, and colours, so does autism spectrum disorder.
This World Autism Day let's strive to understand autism spectrum disorder and how we can support a movement that champions acceptance, diversity, and inclusion for the autistic community.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Pesach (Passover)
12–20 April
The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover or Pesach in Hebrew commemorates the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and celebrates their ultimate exodus to freedom.
During Pesach, followers of Judaism are forbidden to eat, drink or own chametz (food that is made from a mixture of grain and water and has been allowed to rise).
Promotion: Messages will be shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Good Friday
18 April
Good Friday is always the Friday before Easter Sunday.
Good Friday is one of the most important days in the Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. Good Friday marks the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. On this day many Christians reflect upon Christ’s sacrifice for their sins.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Easter Sunday
20 April
Easter Sunday is a Christian holiday celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring equinox (Paschal) full moon during the solemn event of Holy Week. The date commemorates the resurrection of Jesus from death by crucifixion. Hot cross buns are eaten to commemorate the crucifixion and chocolate eggs, represent the ancient symbol of new life. It is a day of joy and celebration to honour the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Pascha Sunday
20 April
Orthodox Easter is called Pascha (Greek: Πάσχα, Russian Pashka Па́сха) a joyous acknowledgement of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and is central to the Orthodox Christian faith. Pascha is the Greek word for Passover, celebrated by a midnight mass, followed by a Holy Feast, where semi-sweet breads, roasted lamb and dyed-red eggs are central to the celebrations, the feast is shared with loved ones, in celebration of Christ’s resurrection.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
25 April
A National Day of Remembrance named in 1916, honouring the soldiers who fought and died in the First World War and other conflicts.
Event: ANZAC Day Commemoration Services at Cenotaph in Caulfield Park (north-west side, near Hawthorn Road)
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
Domestic Violence Remembrance Day
7 May
To remember and honour those who have been killed by domestic and family violence.
Domestic and family violence affects people from all walks of life and includes many forms of abuse and violence that are not always physical.
Acknowledging Domestic Violence Remembrance Day is a call to action to speak up, lift the veil of silence that surrounds domestic and family violence, and reach out for support if experiencing, and/or perpetrating violence.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up in purple. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
International Thalassaemia Day
8 May
Celebrated on the 8th of May, International Thalassaemia Day is devoted to raising awareness amongst the general public and decision-makers about thalassaemia, promoting and strengthening the lifelong and difficult struggle of patients against this severe blood condition and commemorating all the people who are no longer with us, while renewing our promise to keep fighting until the final cure for thalassaemia is found. Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia (TASCA) is a support and advocacy organisation for Australians living with genetic haemoglobin conditions, operating from Council’s Moorleigh Community Village in Bentleigh East.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with red lights. Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Are You Safe at Home? Day
10 May
The focus of Are You Safe at Home? Day is on the crucial role we all play in recognising and responding to family violence in our communities. Whether you’re worried about someone you work with, or someone you know in your local community – we’re encouraging people to start the conversation. It’s an opportunity to ask someone in your life, ‘are you safe at home?’.
Promotion: Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
International Vesak Day
12 May
For Buddhists worldwide, this is the most sacred day with threefold significance. Vesak Day commemorates the birth of Lord Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha in 623 BC, the day when he attained enlightenment, and the day of his death in his 80th year. His profound teachings of peace, compassion and wisdom are as relevant now as when he lived.
Promotion: Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Neighbourhood House Week
12–18 May
A nationwide initiative to celebrate the role of over 1,000 Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the week, promoting what is happening at local Neighbourhood Houses.
17 May
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ rights, and the awareness of work still needed to combat discrimination.
Activity: Community activity.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with rainbow lights and LGBTIQA+ Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication, including this webpage channels to recognise the day.
National Volunteer Week
19–25 May
This week celebrates volunteering, recognises the crucial role of volunteers in supporting our nation and encouraging people to start volunteering.
Event: Community awards event to honour Citizen of the Year nominees and winners and the Volunteer Recognition recipients held at Glen Eira Town Hall.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the week.
National Sorry Day
26 May
Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’.
Event: The event held at Glen Eira Town Hall for remembrance and reflection, including a Smoking Ceremony to signify the journey towards healing and reconciliation, followed by a Welcome to Country.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
National Reconciliation Week
27 May–3 June
This week reflects on achievements towards reconciliation so far and the things which must still be done. The week marks two significant historical events in the reconciliation journey, the 1967 Referendum and the Mabo decision. Reconciliation Week incorporates Mabo day on 3 June.
Activity: Program of community activities held across the week.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the week.
1-3 June
A two-day Jewish holiday that commemorates the date when God gave the Torah and the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai over 3,000 years ago.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Men’s Health Week
9–15 June
The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the week.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
15 June
This international day represents a voice of opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on older people. People are encouraged to make a united stand against all forms of abuse against older people in our global communities.
Activity: Community activity to be held at Town Hall on 12 June.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with purple lights. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Refugee Week
15–21 June
Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to promote greater awareness of refugees, the issues they face, and the contributions refugees are making to the Australian community.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the week.
World Sickle Cell Day
19 June
World Sickle Cell Day is an internationally recognised awareness day promoting equitable access to treatment of those living with sickle cell anaemia and to break down stigma in the community. World Sickle Cell Day is an important day for shedding more light on the disease itself and bringing attention and awareness to the challenges and struggles that are experienced by patients with SCD as well as their families and caregivers. Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia (TASCA) is a support and advocacy organisation for Australians living with genetic haemoglobin conditions, operating from Council’s Moorleigh Community Village in Bentleigh East.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with red lights. Messages shared though Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Hijri New Year
25-26 June
The Hijri refers to the moment when the Prophet Muhammad along with his companions left Makka (Mecca) Saudi Arabia for the city of Medinah. The Prophet Muhammad found in Medina a welcoming people united by the message that God (Allah) is One. The newfound community founded by the Prophet is primarily based on solidarity and encourages each individual to view their neighbour as a sibling and to never leave the poor and the less fortunate to their fate. This historic event is thus commemorated as a very special day when the Muslim community was born and the Islamic year began.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
Hidden Disability Sunflower Day
28 June
The sunflower image is a simple and visual cue that the person wearing it may require a helping hand, understanding, more time or support. The sunflower was chosen as it represents happiness, confidence and is visible from a distance and is universally recognised. Hidden Disability Day is an awareness day that is a part of the ongoing campaign to raise awareness around hidden disabilities. People with hidden disabilities are frequently confronted or denied services they are entitled to as they 'don't look disabled'. By raising awareness around hidden disabilities, we can ensure people are challenged less and, together, we can help break down barriers.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
6–13 July
NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia to celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Activities: Program of community activities held throughout the week.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the week.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
4 August
In 1988, the first National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day was established on 4 August and was set against the backdrop of protests led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their supporters during the bicentennial year. The date 4 August was historically used to communally celebrate the birthdays of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were taken from their families at a young age, without knowing their birthday – the Stolen Generations.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
9 August
Each year, 9 August commemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. It is celebrated around the world and marks the date of the inaugural session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations at the United Nations in 1982.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
National Brain Injury Awareness week
18 – 24 August
Held annually to raise awareness of brain injury and its impact on everyday Australian’s, Brain Injury Awareness Week, celebrated from the third Monday in August, is a time to reflect on how each of us can support and advocate for people living with a brain injury and continue to grow awareness and understanding.
Activities: Chat n Chuckle ABI group celebratory activities to recognise the day at Godfrey Street Community House.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the week.
Wear it Purple Day
29 August
Celebrated on the last Friday in August is an awareness day especially for young people, to support and celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTQIA+ community.
Activity: Resources provided to local schools to support acknowledgement of the day.
Promotion: LGBTIQA+ Pride Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Victorian Youth Fest
1–30 September
Youth Fest is a month-long celebration across Victoria highlighting the contributions and achievements of young people. The month highlights more than 100 youth-focused activities, projects and events across the state.
Activity: Youth fest activities held throughout the month, including Youth Art Exhibition.
11 September
National Day of Action, marked on the second Thursday in September. It revolves around the slogan “RUOK?” and advocates for people to have conversations with others and encourages Australians to connect with people who have emotional insecurity, to address social isolation and promote community cohesiveness.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
International Day of Peace
21 September
The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly and is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Rosh Hashanah
22-24 September
A High Holy Day and New Year in Judaism. Celebrated as the birthday of the universe, the day God created Adam and Eve. Rosh Hashanah is a two-day observance and includes traditional foods of round challah bread and apples dipped in honey symbolising wishes for a sweet year.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
22 September–1 October
An annual Hindu festival, known as the Nine Night festival of worship and dance, celebrating the great Goddesses. Festivities occur over the nine nights, such as decorations, reciting the legend, dance and music. It spans over nine nights (and ten days), first in the month of Chaitra (March/April of the Gregorian calendar), and again in the month of Ashvin (September–October).
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Community Safety Month
1–31 October
This month reminds us that we all have a role in making our communities safer. The campaign shines a spotlight on several community safety issues, including personal safety, cyber safety and perceptions of safety. This month incorporates Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Activity: Program of community activities.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the month.
Victorian Seniors Festival
1–31 October
This major state-wide festival for Victorians over 60 focuses on providing free or low-cost events and activities across the month of October. Events and activities are designed to bring seniors together to enjoy themselves, learn new skills and make new friends. This month also features Ageism Awareness Day on 9 October.
Activity: Program of community activities.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the month.
Yom Kippur
1–2 October
Yom Kippur is a Jewish event also known as the Day of Atonement, observed on the tenth day of the Jewish month of Tishrei. The event marks the end of the Ten Days of Penitence. Yom Kippur is one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, during which Jewish communities engage in prayer and fasting to seek atonement and repentance.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
6–15 October
Also known as the Festival of Tabernacles, is a seven-to-eight-day festival, with celebrations starting on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei. The festival commemorates the faith and trust in God the people of Israel had when they lived precariously during their 40-year exile in the desert. Some Jewish people may set up booths (sukkot), which act as a symbolic reminder of the huts Israelites lived in during the wilderness years.
Including Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah — commemorates the end of the Festival of Tabernacles. A day when Jewish people ‘tarries’ or takes pause’ to spend an additional day with God at the end of Sukkot
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
World Mental Health Day
10 October
An International Day supported by the World Health Organisation for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 and spotlights mental health around the world, to raise awareness and encourage efforts to support those experiencing mental health issues.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
National Carers Week
12–18 October
National Carers Week is an opportunity to raise community awareness among all Australians about the diversity of carers and their caring roles.
Activity: Program of community activities.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the week
International Pronouns Day
15 October
International Pronouns Day, takes place on the third Wednesday of October and seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity.
Activity: LGBTIQA+ Pride Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Children’s Week
18-26 October
Children's Week is a national celebration that recognises the talents, skills, achievements, and rights of children. The event takes place in October every year, with thousands of Victorian children taking part in the festivities.
Activity: Community activity.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the week.
Diwali, Festival of Lights
21 October
Diwali is one of the most important Hindu festivals. It symbolises victory over the darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance
Event: Community outdoor event with performances.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the festival.
Gambling Awareness Week
Third week of October
This week encourages people to talk about the harms associated with gambling and the effects they can have on communities, families, friends, workplaces and individuals.
Activity: Program of community activities.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the week.
Remembrance Day
11 November
Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a Memorial Day observed since the end of the First World War to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. Hostilities ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance
13–20 November
A week of collective action, education, and celebration. It aims to amplify voices, stories and experiences of the transgender and nonbinary community to address the issues of prejudice, discrimination and violence. This week concludes with an acknowledgement of Transgender Day of Remembrance on 20 November.
Activity: Community activity.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with rainbow lights and LGBTIQA+ Pride Banner displayed out the front of the Town Hall. Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day of remembrance.
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
25 November–10 December
An international campaign that aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls, which affects more than 1 in 3 Australian women in their lifetime. It begins on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25 November and ends on International Human Rights Day 10 December.
Activity: Community activity.
Promotion: Town Hall lit up with orange lights, messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the issue of gender-based violence.
World Childrens Day
20 November
World Children’s Day was first established on 20 November 1954 as Universal Children's Day to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. In 1959 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and in 1989 adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into actions that will build a better world for children.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
World Aids Day
1 December
World AIDS Day is commemorated each year and is an opportunity for every community to unite in the fight against HIV, show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have died. World AIDS Day is an official global public health campaign marked by the World Health Organisation.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
International Day of People with Disability
3 December
A day celebrating the contributions and achievements of people with disabilities and raises awareness, understanding and acceptance in the community.
Activity: Community activity at Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the day.
International Volunteer Day
5 December
A day raising awareness of the important role volunteers play in responding to challenges facing the world. It is an opportunity to acknowledge, thank and shine a light on the important work of volunteers.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
International Human Rights Day
10 December
International Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and celebrates the fundamental proposition that each one of us, everywhere, at all times is entitled to the full range of human rights.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day.
Chanukah (Hanukkah)
14–22 December
A Jewish eight-day festival of lights, celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting and special prayers blessings and songs.
Event: Lighting of the Menorah event at Council’s Town Hall.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage, to recognise the event.
Christmas Day
25 December
Holiday originating in Christianity. Christmas, which means the Mass of Christ is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God.
Promotion: Messages shared through Council’s communication channels, including this webpage to recognise the day