Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Building inclusion for people with disabilities

Our Access and Inclusion Officer is employed by Council to help us have a community that is welcoming and inclusive towards people with disabilities.

Our Access and Inclusion Program promotes inclusion by:

  • working with local businesses to promote accessibility and inclusion
  • improving understanding about the needs and goals of people with disabilities
  • responding to community priorities
  • ensuring that community planning focuses on the needs of people with disabilities
  • supporting service providers to help people with a disability to live the life they choose
  • developing simple ways for people to access information about services, activities and consultation.

Our officer is involved in a range of activities and projects throughout the year, including:

  • Disability Awareness in Schools Program, which employs people with disabilities to discuss their experiences with primary, secondary and tertiary school students
  • Sensory Friendly Film sessions — offering an environment where the sound is turned down and the light left on to create a more comfortable experience for people with autism and their families
  • Chat & Chuckle, a fortnightly social group for people with acquired brain injury to meet others, share news and views, discuss ideas and have fun
  • YouMeUs, an online disability awareness training program that supports and promotes inclusive environments
  • Carers Day, which recognises the role of unpaid carers in our community
  • co-ordinating our Disability Reference Committee
  • International Day of People with Disability, an annual free activities day at Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre supporting people to come and try a sport and see if they like it and showcasing disability sports
  • updating of our mobility maps and Accessible Events Checklist.

For further information about our Access and Inclusion Program, call 03 9524 3333 or email accessandinclusion@gleneira.vic.gov.au