Find a playgroup or toy library

Playgroups are a great way for children to socialise and grow in the wider community. Whether you want to join a playgroup or toy library in Glen Eira, or even start your own playgroup, we'll point you in the right direction.

On this page


Why join a playgroup?

Playgroups bring young children, parents and families together. They help children develop physically, socially and emotionally. 

Visit Playgroup Victoria to learn more about the benefits of playgroups. 

Find a supported playgroup

We operate a range of free supported playgroups for our community. Places are limited and eligibility criteria may apply.

Our facilitated supported playgroups assist parents and caregivers to gain extra ideas about how to use everyday opportunities and activities to enhance their child’s learning, development and wellbeing. The playgroups also help parents and caregivers build social and support networks that encourage and assist them in their valuable parenting role.

Attendance by referral. Please speak with your Maternal and Child Health Nurse or complete the Register your interest in a supported playgroup form.

Playgroup Location Frequency

Supported Playgroup

The Supported Playgroup is a free facilitated playgroup delivered by a qualified early childhood professional. This playgroup, Smalltalk, will help foster quality parent–child interactions to improve child development and wellbeing in a group or home setting.

Attendance by referral. Please speak with your Maternal and Child Health Nurse or complete the Register your interest in a supported playgroup form.

Various locations across Council:

  • Carnegie Children’s Multipurpose Room, Carnegie
  • Glen Huntly Maternal and Child Health Centre, Glen Huntly

Monday to Friday morning during school terms


This program is based on the oral traditions of rhymes, songs and storytelling. It's a great resource for use during daily routines and activities, enhancing the relationship between you and your young child.

Attendance by referral. Please speak with your Maternal and Child Health Nurse.

Carnegie Library and Community Centre

Once a week, on Thursday, during school terms

Start or join a community playgroup

Community playgroups are regular gatherings of parents and caregivers with their children under school age. Parents manage and lead community playgroups and organise play and social activities for the group.

Playgroups offer a chance:

  • for your child to play with other children
  • to meet other families in your community
  • to talk to about parenting and share experiences with group members.

Community playgroups meet at many different venues including community halls, kindergartens, schools, churches, homes or anywhere people meet.

Visit Playgroup Victoria to join or start a playgroup in Glen Eira.  

Playgroup name Location Day and time Contact details

Acorns Playgroup

Oaktree Anglican Church
281 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North

Monday, 9.30am to 11.30am

Eastleigh Playgroup

216 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East

Thursday, 9.30am to 11.30am

Margaret, 0415 544 585

Elsternwick Toddlers Playgroup Inc

1 Foster Street, Elsternwick

Everyday, 8am to 5pm

Glen Huntly Combined Playgroup Inc

New location, please contact Sarah Howell

Tuesday, 10am to 12pm

Sarah Howell, 0419 369 845

Message or email to receive an invite to the Whatsapp group.

Humpty Dumpty Playgroup

Bentleigh Uniting Church Hall
495–497 Centre Road, Bentleigh

Thursday, 9.30am to 11.30am

Bridie McKenna, 0423 633 099

Murrumbeena Playgroup Inc.

Murrumbeena Uniting Church
117 Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9.30am to 11.30am

Thursday, 11.30am to 1pm

St Anthony's Primary School Playgroup

172 Neerim Road, Glen Huntly

Wednesdays 9am to 10.30am (excluding school holidays)

School Office Phone 9563 6780 or

Taraleigh Steiner Playgroup

Moorleigh Community Centre
90 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9.30am to 11.30am

Playspot Playgroup

Carnegie Children’s Multipurpose Centre
3 Shepparson Avenue, Carnegie

21 March, 13 June, 5 September, 24 October, 12 December

10 am to 12pm

Council's Service Centre 9524 3333

Toy Libraries

At a toy library you can borrow from a vast array of well-made toys that have been designed to support your child’s skill development and imagination. Toy libraries aim to support families and encourage togetherness with quality time spent playing with children.

Find a toy library

Toy libraries are a great way to save money, give your children new toys and remove unused toys. 

Carnegie Toy Library

12 Munro Avenue, Carnegie
Phone: 0448 770 142 

Moorabbin Area Toy Library

Moorleigh Community Village
90-92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East

Visit About toy libraries at Toy Libraries Australia to learn more about toy libraries.


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