Building plan or document request

Do you need access to plans of your building or property? You can apply online for a range of building plans and documents.

On this page

What can we provide?

The building plans we can provide include:

  • architectural
  • structural
  • building specifications 
  • building computations.

The building documents we can provide include:

  • building permits
  • occupancy permits/certificate of final inspection
  • warranty insurance certificates
  • soil reports.

What is the cost of building plans and documents?

  • Building plan fees (residential and commercial): $230
  • Building documentation fees: $230
  • Building plans and document fees: $460

Please note:

  • Relevant application fees are outlined above and are non-refundable in all cases.
  • In some cases, we may not have any plans or documents related to your property. The application search fee is non-refundable, regardless of search results.
  • There is no guarantee that the required plans or documents will be of good quality.
  • Files will not be retrieved until payment is made.
  • Please be aware that the age of the property can be a factor into the availability of relevant documents. We encourage you to call the Building Services team at 9524 3333 for an indication of available records before submitting your request.

Can anyone apply for building plans or documents?

Under regulation 50 of the Building Regulations 2018, we can only give you this information if you're the property owner, or have written authority from the owner. 

You can apply for copies of building plans and documents online. The plans or documents will be sent to you within 10 working days.

Register to apply online

Already registered? Log in now and lodge a request for building plans and documents