Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Drainage Plan Assessment

The Drainage Plan Assessment application allows us to review the drainage plan as outlined in the point of discharge report and approved plan for all building works or land subdivision.

This includes verifying the development’s stormwater runoff discharge or connection to the Council drainage system (kerb and channel, pits, and pipes), onsite detention volume, and permissible site discharge. 

Depending on the type of development, a Drainage Plan Assessment may be required. This requirement will be specified in your planning permit and/or the Legal Point of Discharge letter issued by Council.

The assessment ensures that the development meets Council’s requirements for on-site detention (OSD) and permissible site discharge (PSD). This assessment is also required when an outfall drain is involved, regardless of whether OSD is necessary or as advised by Council’s engineering team in other cases.

What is the cost to submit the plans?

Application fee: $375

Can I submit drainage plans online?

Yes, you can register to submit plans online. When we approve your registration, we’ll send you a confirmation email. If you’re already registered, please log in.

If you can't submit your application online, contact our Customer Service team at 9524 3333.

Once all required documents and payments are received, your application will be processed within 10 working days.