Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Private Building Surveyor’s lodgement

If you're a private building surveyors, you can lodge a range of documents and pay lodgement fees online. This is a secure and convenient process.

On this page

If you haven't used our ePathway site before, please register your details online.

Please note: we will approve your registration within one business day.

Section 80 documentation

To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit. For example:

  • construction of D/S detached dwelling and garage
  • additions and alterations to S/S dwelling
  • demolition of dwelling and outbuildings.

Log in and lodge Section 80 documentation

Section 30 documentation

To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit. For example:

  • construction of D/S detached dwelling and garage
  • additions and alterations to S/S dwelling
  • demolition of dwelling and outbuildings.

Fee: $134.30

Log in and lodge Section 30 documentation

Section 73 documentation

To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit For example:

  • building order for minor works
  • amended structural plans
  • certificate of final Inspection.

Log in and lodge Section 73 documentation

Section 29(a) Certificate

Report and Consent of Council on proposed demolition.

Fee: $93.80

Log in and request Section 29(a) Certificate

Section 51 (1), (2) and (1 & 2)

Section 51 (1) Certificate

Request for building permit particulars for the preceding 10 years, such as building permits, outstanding notices and orders.

Section 51 (2) Certificate

This includes:

  • land liable to flooding (reg. 153)
  • land designated as likely to be subject to attack by termites (reg. 150)
  • land within designated bushfire prone areas (reg. 156)
  • land determined to be subject to significant snowfalls (reg. 152).

Section 51 (1 & 2) Certificate

Certificate showing both building permit and property information as above.

Fee: $52.10 each 

Log in and request Section 51 (1), (2) and (1 & 2)