If you're a private building surveyors, you can lodge a range of documents and pay lodgement fees online. This is a secure and convenient process.
Private Building Surveyor’s lodgement
If you haven't used our ePathway site before, please register your details online.
Please note: we will approve your registration within one business day.
Section 80 documentation
To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit. For example:
- construction of D/S detached dwelling and garage
- additions and alterations to S/S dwelling
- demolition of dwelling and outbuildings.
Log in and lodge Section 80 documentation
Section 30 documentation
To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit. For example:
- construction of D/S detached dwelling and garage
- additions and alterations to S/S dwelling
- demolition of dwelling and outbuildings.
Fee: $134.30
Log in and lodge Section 30 documentation
Section 73 documentation
To lodge this documentation, please include a detailed description of the works for which you're issuing the building permit For example:
- building order for minor works
- amended structural plans
- certificate of final Inspection.
Log in and lodge Section 73 documentation
Section 29(a) Certificate
Report and Consent of Council on proposed demolition.
Fee: $93.80
Log in and request Section 29(a) Certificate
Section 51 (1), (2) and (1 & 2)
Section 51 (1) Certificate
Request for building permit particulars for the preceding 10 years, such as building permits, outstanding notices and orders.
Section 51 (2) Certificate
This includes:
- land liable to flooding (reg. 153)
- land designated as likely to be subject to attack by termites (reg. 150)
- land within designated bushfire prone areas (reg. 156)
- land determined to be subject to significant snowfalls (reg. 152).
Section 51 (1 & 2) Certificate
Certificate showing both building permit and property information as above.
Fee: $52.10 each