Property information request

If you need more information about a building or property, you can ask us for a property information certificate. This offers range of details about buildings and property, under the Building Regulations 2018.

On this page

What can a property information certificate tell me?

You can apply for a property information certificate if you need one of the following:

  • Building information - under Section 51 (1) of the Building Regulations 2018
  • Property information - under Section 51 (2) of the Building Regulations 2018
  • Mandatory Inspection Information - under Section 51 (3) of the Building Regulations 2018

Depending on which of the above you ask for, a property information certificate can include information on:

  • details of building permits issued within the last 10 years
  • any current building orders or notices
  • whether your property is in a hazardous area
  • existing building permits
  • outstanding building notices and orders that need addressing
  • whether the property is liable or subject to flooding, termites or snowfalls
  • uncontrolled overland drainage
  • mandatory inspections when required by owner builders.

How to apply

You must specify the address of the property you need information for, and choose what type of information you need from the following:

  • Section 51 (1): Building Information
  • Section 51 (2): Property Information
  • Section 51 (3): Mandatory Inspection Information.

Each of the above cost $52.10

Yes, you can register to apply for a certificate online. When we approve your registration, we’ll send you a confirmation email. If you’re already registered, please log in to apply.