There are many places and precincts in the City of Glen Eira that are protected by the Heritage Overlay.
Find Heritage Overlays and gradings
How to check if your property is in the Heritage Overlay
Every place of cultural heritage significance has been assessed and graded according to its heritage contribution. The levels of significance are as follows:
- Individually significant: The place is a heritage place in its own right. All individually listed properties in the Heritage Overlay are individually significant. Where such properties are also located within a larger heritage precinct, the individually significant property is considered to be a contributory place within the Heritage Precinct and the Statements of Significance for both the individual place and the precinct should be taken into account.
- Contributory: The place is a contributory element within a larger heritage precinct. A contributory element could include a building, or building parts such as rooflines, chimneys, verandas, or other structures or works such as landscaping, front fences or paving.
- Non-Contributory: The place is not individually significant and does not contribute to the Heritage Precinct.
Simply zoom in to click on a specific property or type in an address to see if the Heritage Overlay is applicable.
When the Heritage Overlay does not cover the entire property, please be sure to click on the actual mapped area of the Heritage Overlay or the relevant heritage information will not appear on the screen.