Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Glen Eira Street Design

When streets are designed as engaging public areas, they become great places for people. Well-designed streets contribute to local places, foster business activity and welcome the community. Good street design influences the way people move through the city, encouraging active and public transport, reducing congestion and reducing the impacts of climate change.

Glen Eira’s Street Design Guidelines

Our Street Design Guidelines help to shape the look and feel of our neighbourhoods and activity centres, guiding us and contractors working on streetscape upgrades and maintenance.

The guidelines identify a vision for Glen Eira's streets as great places for people while providing technical design advice, helping Council achieve targets for urban forest growth, sustainable transport and community health.

The below principles will guide decision-making during all phases of the street design process:

  • Better movement — our streets must move more people and provide better options for travel
  • Safer — we have a shared responsibility to make our roads and streets safe for everyone
  • Healthier — our roads and streets should support physical, mental and social health
  • Better places — we need to enhance our sense of place by centering human-scaled experiences which support our local economy
  • Streets and ecosystems — our roads and streets should protect and enhance our natural environment by increasing tree canopies and reducing heat island effect
  • Evolving — our roads and streets can evolve and should be designed to cater for the needs of today’s community and Glen Eira’s future community

The Street Design Guidelines brings together Council’s Integrated Transport Strategy, The Victorian Government’s Movement and Place in Victoria strategy and best practice standards in street design.

Council adopted the Glen Eira Street Design Guidelines 2023 at the Council meeting on Tuesday 21 March 2023.

A summary document of the Street Design Guidelines is available below.

Glen Eira Street Design Guidelines — Summary Document 2023 [PDF 17.5Mb]

Better Streets, Better Places

Vibrant streetscapes in our activity centres support the local businesses and create attractive places for people to visit and spend time.

Better Streets, Better Places 2023–2033 will guide improvements in the main streets of Glen Eira’s major, neighbourhood and local activity centres over the next ten years. The program concentrates on improving the pedestrian-focused aspects of our streets including footpaths, street furniture (public seating, bicycle hoops and bins), signage and wayfinding, as well as street trees and landscaping. These improvements will enhance the quality of our activity centres, making them both functional and enjoyable places.

Through Better Streets, Better Places, Council will invest funding into upgrading these aspects of our shopping strips. The works will improve the vibrancy, safety and function of our streets as places for the community. This program provides Council with a clear, equitable plan for prioritising investment. It will guide long-term capital works planning and inform annual budgets. The program provides a list of priorities while allowing flexibility to respond to emerging priorities or new funding opportunities.

Council adopted Better Streets, Better Places 2023–2033 at the Council meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2023.

Better Streets, Better Places is led by the principles of the Glen Eira Street Design Guidelines 2023 and will help ensure our community has access to well designed and maintained open spaces and places.

Better Streets, Better Places 2023–2033 [PDF 18.20Mb]

Streetscape upgrades

We’re excited to announce the upcoming streetscape upgrades to three small centres across Glen Eira.

Locations were selected as part of a broader initiative to enhance our local activity centres and bring improvements to residents and local businesses.

Seven centres have been selected for improvements, focusing on smaller centres located on collector roads rather than major arterial roads.

The streetscape upgrades are to be delivered across 3 stages.