Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Glen Eira Housing Strategy

Council adopted the Glen Eira Housing Strategy [PDF 15Mb] on Wednesday 2 November 2022 after extensive research, two rounds of community engagement, the development of a draft, careful consideration of community and professional feedback.

Amendment C255

Amendment C255 will implement the main directions of the Housing Strategy into the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

On 6 February 2024, Council determined to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare Amendment C255glen in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Officers have now prepared and submitted the amendment documentation to the Department of Transport and Planning. If the Minister authorises the Amendment, it will be placed on exhibition.  

The Officer report and minutes can be found here: https://www.gleneira.vic.gov.au/about-council/meetings-and-agendas/council-agendas-and-minutes/ordinary-council-meeting-tuesday-6-february-2024

On this page

What is a housing strategy?

A housing strategy is a document that tells us where different types of new housing should be located. Housing strategies aim to balance the community’s changing housing needs with liveability, environmental sustainability and the character of the neighbourhood.

Why have we prepared a housing strategy?

Under the Victorian Government’s metropolitan strategic plan — Plan Melbourne, Glen Eira is required to plan for residential growth. Indeed all councils are expected to have a strategy to guide housing growth that covers a 15-year period.

Glen Eira’s last Housing Strategy was prepared in 2001. The planning system has changed over this time and in addition, Glen Eira has since declared a Climate Emergency. We need to plan to ensure we are prepared to manage continued housing needs in the future.

How is it developed?

Our Housing Strategy has been developed using:

  • Population and household forecasts
  • A review of current housing and the capacity to accommodate new housing
  • Assessments of existing neighbourhood character
  • The recommendations of other relevant Council strategies and studies such as Glen Eira’s Urban Forest Strategy, Climate Emergency Response Strategy and Integrated Transport Strategy
  • Extensive engagement with the community

This research was used to determine the kinds of changes that may be needed to thoughtfully guide growth. This includes selecting suitable locations for different levels of growth.

The Glen Eira Housing Strategy includes the drafting of Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements which provide the vision and guidance for the design of new development in each area. This will help us to draft Planning Scheme policies that have previously lacked this kind of guidance.

What does it do to help the environment?

The Glen Eira Housing Strategy helps us address climate change by being specific about the location of growth in Glen Eira. For example, it supports more homes to be built close to shops, services and public transportation. This encourages people to walk, cycle or use trains, trams and buses, which reduce air pollution and traffic. Smaller, newer homes also use less energy compared to larger, older ones.

The Strategy also has a focus on recovering and increasing canopy tree cover over residential areas to keep neighbourhoods cooler. This will result in the drafting of policies that encourage the planting of canopy trees in new housing developments — to keep neighbourhoods cooler and support a healthier environment for residents and wildlife.

Where are we in the process?

We are here⇒
Research and preliminary community engagement Preparation of draft Housing Strategy Preparation of draft Housing
Housing Strategy adopted by
Detailed policy drafting and preparation of a Planning Scheme Amendment Seek authorisation for a
Planning Scheme Amendment
March–August 2021
Research including demographic analysis and neighbourhood character assessment is undertaken for a new Housing Strategy.
July 2021
Preliminary community engagement about key housing themes and issues and to help clarify the key issues to address.
August 2021–December 2022
Drafting of the Housing Strategy (consultation draft)

March–May 2022
Phase two engagement — the community provides input on the research that has been produced and the draft Housing Strategy.

Council considers community feedback and makes final adjustments to the Housing Strategy for adoption.

Council adopted the Glen Eira Housing Strategy 2022 on
Wednesday 2 November 2022.

Preparation of planning scheme policies and controls (zone schedules) to address the objectives of the Strategy.

Preparation of the official documents for introducing the new detailed policies into the Planning Scheme (Planning Scheme Amendment).

We ask the Minister for Planning to authorise the amendment so we can seek community feedback on it.

What are the steps in a planning scheme amendment?

Council has drafted updated Planning Scheme policies and controls to implement the main directions of the Housing Strategy. Planning Scheme Amendment C255 is necessary to bring the new policy into effect.

Public exhibition (including community engagement) is part of this process. If the Minister for Planning authorises the amendment to be prepared and exhibited, we follow a specific statutory process (see below), where members of the community have the opportunity to make written submissions to outline their views on the changes suggested to the Planning Scheme.

Authorisation Exhibition Consider submissions Planning Panel hearing Consider panel report Approval

Minister authorises amendment.

This means the policies and controls prepared in response to the actions of the Housing Strategy, are formally allowed to be released for public comment.

Community and stakeholders can make a written submission and have their say on the amendment.

Council considers submissions
Submitters can speak to their submissions at a planning conference.

Council can then choose to either abandon the amendment or refer the submissions to an independent panel for review.

Council presents its case to a Panel of experts selected by Planning Panels Victoria.

Submitters can present their case to the Panel.

Planning Panels Victoria releases a report to Council for consideration. The report can recommend changes, approval or abandonment

Council considers panel report.

Council may then adopt the amendment or make changes and adopt the amendment. It is then sent to the Minister for final approval.

Council may otherwise abandon the amendment.

If Council adopts the amendment, the Minister for Planning then considers the amendment for approval. It is either approved and gazetted (included in planning scheme) or it is refused.


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