Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Resources for educators and schools

Recycling, waste and circular economy themed lesson plans, activities, videos and resources for early learning educators and school teachers.

On this page
  • Circular classroom

Resources and lesson plans

We've collated free resources and lesson plans that will help students explore the principles of a circular economy, including how to reduce waste and keep resources in use for longer. 

Early learning

Early primary

Upper primary

Lower secondary

Upper secondary

Posters to help with waste sorting and recycling right are available to download. See the link at the bottom of this webpage.
Posters to help with waste sorting and recycling right are available to download. See the link at the bottom of this webpage.
Want to encourage staff to BYO cup? Contact us for a reusable cup sign to put in your staffroom, canteen or take to the local cafe.
Want to encourage staff to BYO cup? Contact us for a reusable cup sign to put in your staffroom, canteen or take to the local cafe.
Contact us for a wheelie bin sticker pack for your school.
Contact us for a wheelie bin sticker pack for your school.

Helpful videos and platforms

Helpful platforms:


School initiatives, events and competitions

  • ResourceSmart Schoolsis a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school. CERES delivers the ResourceSmart Schools program to schools in Glen Eira. As part of the program your school will be helped to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and take action on climate change to benefit your school and community. Not ready to sign up but want more information? Check out CERES ResourceSmart Schools webpage.
  • Plastic Free Schools Challenge — inspire your school to make a difference with solutions to single-use plastic! It's free and school staff, students, and parents can all be involved.

Teachers' Environment Network

Teachers’ Environment Network (TEN) are free professional learning events organised by the Port Phillip Ecocentre that are run each term to support school and ELC educators, staff and parents to network, share resources and connect to the local environment! A wide range of topics are covered, with a focus on embedding sustainability and environmental education in classroom teaching. 

Council support for schools and childcares

  • Home Composting Program. Schools and childcares can receive discounts on compost bins and products through Council's partnership with Compost Community. 
  • Wheelie bin sticker pack. Improve recycling and waste sorting in Glen Eira wheelie bins by installing helpful waste sorting guidance when you need it most - at the bin! We can deliver a bin sticker pack to you, please contact us to organise.  
  • Recycling bins and green waste bins. Schools in Glen Eira can access four yellow recycling bins and four green food and garden waste bins for free. General waste collection will incur a charge. Please contact us to discuss what will work best for your school. 
  • Kitchen caddies. We can provide kitchen caddies for staffrooms and classrooms to help recycle food scraps in your school's compost bin or green waste bin. Kitchen caddies are used to collect food scraps separately and carry them to the compost or green bin.
  • BYO reusable cup signs. Want to encourage staff to BYO cup? Contact us for a reusable cup sign to put in your staffroom, canteen or take to the local cafe.


Can someone from Council come and speak to my class about waste and recycling?

Thanks for your interest in recycling and sustainability education. Currently, we are not able to provide class visits or waste facility tours. We hope that the lesson plans and activities on this webpage are a helpful resource for integrating circular thinking in your school or centre. 

If you haven't already, we encourage your school to join ResourceSmart Schools. CERES delivers the ResourceSmart Schools program to schools in Glen Eira. As part of the program your school will be helped to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and take action on climate change to benefit your school and community. Not ready to sign up but want more information? Check out CERES ResourceSmart Schools webpage.

What is Council doing to reduce waste and transition to a circular economy?

In Glen Eira, our community has achieved record levels of recycling – with 60 per cent of waste being composted or recycled.

Since introducing the weekly green bin more of us have been recycling leftover food than ever before. Thanks to our community’s efforts, the majority of our waste is now saved from landfill. 

Council is leading our community’s transition to a circular economy, where resources are kept in use for longer. Last year we adopted the Glen Eira Circular Economy Plan 2022-2026 — one of the first of its kind in Australia. To read more about what we’re doing to help our community, visit our circular economy webpage.