Natural Christmas trees, under two metres in length, can be collected from your nature strip as part of our bundled branch collection service.
Christmas trees (real)
We collect bundled branches on Wednesdays. You need to make your booking before 3pm Tuesday for collection on the following Wednesday.
How to book
Step 1: Check your items for collection meet our guidelines (below)
Step 2: Make a booking. Book your collection online or contact us on 03 9524 3333.
Step 3: Once you have submitted your booking, place your items out the nature strip on the Tuesday night before the Wednesday collection day.
What can I put out in bundled branches?
We will collect:
- bundled tree branches
If your branches are less than 7.5 centimetres thick, you must tie them in bundles with strong string, not pantyhose, plastic or wire.
We will not collect:
- timber, stumps or roots
- branches over 15 centimetres thick
- soil-contaminated materials
- boxes or bags of green waste - put these in your green bin
- branches containing wire or nails
- ivy, bamboo, vines, palm trees, yuccas, as well as thorny plants like rose bushes, weeds, grass or leaves.
Size limits
- Maximum bundles of two metres long and 30 centimetres thick.
- Maximum of 20 bundled branches no more than three cubic metres.
Christmas tree, living Christmas tree, real Christmas tree, pine Christmas tree