Green compost bin (lime-green lid)

Your green waste bin is collected weekly and is the best place for all your garden waste and food scraps.

Don’t forget! Make sure to leave plastic, compostable and bio-degradable bin liners out of the green bin, as these end up in landfill. Wrap food scraps in paper towel or newspaper instead. You can also put food scraps inside small paper bags or use a paper kitchen caddy liner.

✔ Yes ✖ No
✔ Fruit and vegetable scraps ✖ Plastic bags (including biodegradable or compostable bags) 
✔ Garden waste (grass, leaves, weeds, sticks, flowers) ✖ Packaging of any kind (including biodegradable or compostable) 
✔ Egg shells Cigarette butts
✔ Dairy leftovers Nappies and baby wipes
✔ Coffee grounds and loose leaf tea Tea bags or coffee pods Coffee cups (including biodegradable or compostable) 
✔ Bread, pasta, cereal and rice Kitty litter (including biodegradable) 
✔ Meat scraps and bones ✖ Dishcloths 
✔ Used paper towel, newspaper and napkins Dog or cat droppings
✔ Tissues (provided you are not in self-isolation and have not been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case) ✖ Ash and tree stumps
✔ Seafood including shells ✖ Soil and sand
✔ Paper kitchen caddy liners ✖ Vacuum dust
✔ Small paper bags such as brown paper lunch bags or mushroom produce bag (no waxy or plastic coating, no handles or no larger than a kitchen caddy) Hair and feathers (including pet hair)
  ✖ Paper plates
   Plastic cutlery and plates (including biodegradable or compostable)
  ✖ Napkins or serviettes that have been printed on or heavily dyed (eg. black napkins) 
  Wooden icy pole sticks
  ✖ Large paper bags with handles such as supermarket shopping bags or food delivery service bags