Hard rubbish collection update:

We are experiencing delays to our hard rubbish and bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Food and Mood

Taking a holistic approach to eating can promote positivity and happiness.

Increase your fiber intake

The different fibres found in fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes help support a healthy, diverse population of gut bacteria. Stress and anxiety are linked to a less diverse microbiome composition. Eating a predominantly plant-based diet with five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit each day will ensure the bacteria in your gut thrive.


Variety is the spice of life

A Mediterranean style diet rich in fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, legumes, herbs and spices, fish and healthy fats has been associated with lowering symptoms of depression and risk of chronic inflammatory disease. Research has shown that increasing the serves of fruit and vegetables you eat every day can promote happiness and wellbeing.


Have health snacks on hand

Healthy snacks high in protein and fibre will help keep you feeling fuller for longer between meals and avoid hunger pangs. Try nut butter on wholegrain crackers, yoghurt with almonds, pepitas and walnuts or a carrot dipped in hummus.


Listen to your body

Take a break for meals and snacks and eat mindfully. You aren't just what you eat, but how you eat. Taking time to eat slowly and chew your food will let your body absorb more of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients and may reduce digestive issues.


Keep hydrated

Water is an essential nutrient and without it we would cease to function. Mild dehydration can affect concentration and short-term memory, so keep a drink bottle with you or a jug of water on your desk so you can top up throughout the day.


Try to get outside

Get outside for fresh air every day. Increases in Vitamin D and serotonin levels are associated with reducing the impact of depression. Fight the Winter blues and boost your mood and Vitamin D levels by going for a walk in the sunshine!



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