Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Water Sensitive Urban Design for the home

Climate change is making drinking water scarce, while also increasing flood risk. By implementing water sensitive urban design (WSUD) on your property, you can help Glen Eira become a more sustainable and liveable community, while saving money on your water bills.

On this page

Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) is a shift from the previous method of water management, where water is transported across the landscape and into waterways as quickly as possible. Instead, WSUD moves towards mimicking the natural water cycle. WSUD has been proven to reduce the harmful impact of stormwater pollution on our waterways, while also reducing flooding and household water use.

We are delivering a range of WSUD projects, however more than 65% of the land in Glen Eira is privately owned, which means that actions taken by households and businesses will play a critical role in preserving our natural environment and protecting our community from the impacts of climate change.


Increasing the amount of water that is absorbed into soil reduces flood risk, and provides more water to your plants. Consider creating more permeable surfaces on your property. Soil is a simple permeable surface to introduce, while porous paving is becoming more common

Passive landscape treatments

Directing rainwater into gardens and other vegetated areas is vital to reducing overflow in drains, and conserving water. Wicking beds are an excellent DIY solution for absorbing more rainwater in the garden, while swales detain water and stop all the water from flowing to the drains at once.

Natural and constructed systems

Use raingardens, ponds or mini-wetlands to capture and treat stormwater. Veggie raingardens are a great way to grow food for the home and reduce flood risk.

Water harvesting, treatment and irrigation

There are many benefits to using alternative water sources. Consider getting a rainwater tank, installing a rainwater harvesting system or a greywater system. This case study shows the advantages of harvesting and reusing rainwater.

Sustainable garden design

When designing a garden from the start, it is important to pay strong consideration to choice of plants. Use this checklist to measure the sustainability of your garden. This house shows the benefits of sustainable garden design.

Water sensitive garden practices

Use of compost or mulch can increase the health of your soil. Don’t forget there is free mulch available! If your soil is healthy, it stores more water, enabling healthy plants while reducing mains supplied water use. Don’t forget to use water efficient products.