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Community gardening

Community gardening brings people together to grow food, and gives city dwellers a valuable connection to nature.

Community gardens in Glen Eira

There are four community gardens in Glen Eira. They are community-run. You can contact them directly for more information.

Caulfield South Community Garden

Rear of Caulfield South Community House, 450 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South
Phone: 9596 8643
Email: garden@csch.org.au

Caulfield South Community Garden offers a shared community garden space to promote social inclusion and gardening education. It holds open days and community food swaps on the second Sunday of every month from 10am.

East Bentleigh Village Garden

Rear of Moorleigh Community Village, 90–92 Bignell Road, Bentleigh East
Email: eastbentleighvillagegarden@gmail.com

East Bentleigh Village Garden is an inclusive and welcoming space that promotes sustainable food production and provides opportunities for learning and sharing of skills and knowledge. The garden is communally tended and encourages community connections, bringing people together around fresh, healthy food. It holds open days and working bees on the first and third Saturday of every month from 10am.

Murrumbeena Community Garden

Rear of Murrumbeena Uniting Church, 117 Murrumbeena Road, Murrumbeena
Phone: 9568 8177
Email: murrumbeenagarden@gmail.com 

Murrumbeena Community Garden offers individual plots and offers regular gatherings, talks and workshops.

Carnegie Laneway Garden and Gallery

Koornang Road through to Graceburn Avenue, Carnegie

Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarnegieLaneway/

You can also make contact through the fairy note box in the laneway

Carnegie Laneway Garden and Gallery is a commuter and walker's laneway transformed and maintained by locals to be a feature on your way to school or work.  It is planted with local propagations and features donated art pieces, hopscotch, book exchange and fairy note box. It is an informal work in progress as people come together to create connections in a peaceful, beautiful and evolving space. Enquiries and contributions are welcome.


  • Caulfield South Community Garden

  • Food Swaps


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