Published on 10 May 2024

Are You Safe at Home Day? 2024 — Friday 10 May

We all deserve to be safe, respected and valued in all our relationships.

Sadly, family violence is more common than many of us realise. It happens in all communities, in all types of relationships and can take many different forms.

Because family violence often happens out of sight, it can be hard for people experiencing abuse to reach out for support. It’s often the people closest to them – their friends, family members and colleagues – who may be the first to notice something isn’t right.

If you’re worried about someone you know, it can be hard to know what to do. But just by asking, listening and believing, you can have an enormous impact on someone’s journey to safety.

Ending family violence is everyone’s business – and you have a crucial role to play.

This Friday 10 May, start the conversation.

Learn more by visiting

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