Published on 28 December 2022

Council prepares for flood season

The months between October and March are known to bring heavy rainfall that threatens floods. 

Glen Eira City Council, like all councils, faces annual challenges with heavy rainfall. This is due mainly to aging infrastructure and connections to the larger Melbourne Water drain network. Council has been able to improve large sections of drainage infrastructure through a range of engineering and building works, but no Melbourne district is able to avoid floods altogether.

Nothing takes the place of preparedness for a flood, and Council understands that.

Though most of the works are out of sight, Council’s design and engineering features help push water to storm drains as efficiently as possible. We also try to make yearly improvements to our infrastructure, which we co-ordinate with road upgrades to help minimise disruption to residents.

In an emergency, the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) is the control agency for flooding in Victoria; they are responsible for planning for floods, supporting community preparedness and managing flood response. Visit the VICSES website at for information about how to prepare for a flood and what to do when one occurs.

When floods do occur, Council assists the appropriate emergency agencies, as per the Emergency Management Act. In addition, we are committed to using our communication channels to keep you up-to-date on urgent weather events that may affect you.

In the meantime, Council aims to respond quickly to critical problems such as dislodged or missing drain grates and lids, and flooded traffic lanes due to blocked drain pits. You can help by notifying us when you see a problem. A good way to do that is by using the Snap Send Solve app on your mobile device, available at

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