Bundled branch collections:

We are experiencing delays to our bundled branch collections (including the collection of Christmas trees) due to many bookings over the holiday period. If your scheduled collection has been impacted, please leave it on your nature strip and it will be collected as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and apologise for any delays.

Published on 11 February 2022

FAQ's on Tree Removal for the Glen Huntly Level Crossing Removal Project

There have been recent communications delivered to the community from the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) regarding tree removal in relation to the Glen Huntly Neerim Road Level Crossing Removal Project (GHNR LXRP).

Council is listening to the concerns raised about the loss of trees and Council is equally concerned. It is important that Council continues to work with the LXRP to ensure the tree removal is minimised and that any removal is accompanied by a comprehensive replanting strategy implemented. 

See below some frequently asked questions about the tree removal for this project.

Where is the tree removal proposed?

Council is informed that most of the trees being removed are essential due to the requirement for trenching works and the construction methodology of the level crossing removal. Trees identified for removal are along Derby Crescent, Leamington Crescent, Station Place, Dorothy Avenue, Royal Avenue and Queens Avenue.

Are the trees to be removed Council trees?

Yes, the trees proposed to be removed along Derby Crescent, Leamington Crescent, Station Place, Dorothy Avenue, Royal Avenue are Council trees. In the relation to Queens Avenue, most of the trees proposed to be removed are also Council trees, with a small number of trees within the Melbourne Racing Club land to be retained.

Why are trees proposed to be removal along Queens Avenue, as this is not along the rail corridor?

As part of the level crossing removal project there is a commitment for the construction of a three metre Shared-User-Path (SUP) along Queens Avenue. This addition is part of the Principal Bicycle Network (PBN) and will extend the SUP along the Frankston Line to the Queens Avenue and Normanby Road intersection in Caulfield East.

Council supports the inclusion of the SUP, however, Council has advocated for a design outcome that would not result in significant tree removal. Council have been informed that our preferred outcome will cost an alteration of $10 million and therefore it is beyond the scope of the project.  Nevertheless, Council officers are still having discussions with the LXRP team in relation to the trees on Queens Avenue. Council would like as many of these trees to be retained as possible.  The final number is not known as yet, given that the final design for the Shared User Path is yet to be finalised. Nevertheless, it is likely that a significant number of trees will need to be removed.

Was the Council aware of the proposed tree removal ahead of the recent LXRP community engagement process?

Council has been involved in the LXRP project feasibility phases and is aware that vegetation is impacted when level crossings are removed, as Glen Eira has had history with previous level crossing removal projects with the Greater North Project (Ormond, McKinnon and Bentleigh) and Caulfield to Dandenong Skyrail (Carnegie, Murrumbeena and Hughesdale). However, it was not until recently that we were made aware by the LXRP of the specific details about the proposed tree removal. The information provided was similar to that which was contained in the community update distributed by LXRP.

Does LXRP require authorisation by Council for the proposed tree removal?

The LXRP team seek to achieve Council support, and as a result Council Officers have been actively negotiating with them to achieve the best outcome for the community.  Nevertheless, the LXRP can remove Council trees without Council’s permission or acceptance. This is due to the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act (MTPFA). The Planning Minister has approved the project area, which gives the LXRP authority to remove whatever trees are necessary for the project. 

What is Council doing to ensure the impact of any tree removal is minimised?

Council officers are assessing the information in relation to the proposed tree removal that has been provided by the LXRP team and are working towards retaining as many trees as possible. Where trees are being removed, Council has been given an assurance that LXRP will provide a 2:1 planting offset. 

Will there be any replanting of trees to offset the removals?

As mentioned above, as part of the project there will be an endorsed comprehensive replanting strategy. Council will provide rigorous oversight to ensure the endorsed replanting strategy is implemented, with particular focus on confirming a like for like canopy and native tree species outcome is achieved. The 2:1 planting off-set will be critical for the Council in achieving our 2040 canopy cover targets that have been endorsed within our Urban Forrest Strategy (UFS).

What is the total number of trees proposed to be removed?

It is understood that 600+ trees are proposed to be removed as part of the project. Some of these trees may have larger canopy coverage than the proposed replacements. In some cases, Council would like to see more mature trees replanted to ensure the loss of canopy coverage in the area is minimised.  Council will provide rigorous oversight to ensure the endorsed replanting strategy is implemented.

How do I find further details about the proposed tree removal or to voice my concerns?

If you have any further queries, don’t hesitate to contact the LXRP directly on:

To find out more, visit the LXRP Glen Huntly fact sheet – Vegetation removal page.

The project is a LXRP controlled project and they are currently progressing through an extensive community engagement process. Council encourages the community to voice their concerns direct to LXRP via the avenues listed on the engagement documentation.  This can be viewed via the above website link.

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