Published on 04 May 2020

From swimming lanes to traffic lanes

The forced closures of Glen Eira Leisure (GEL) and Glen Eira Libraries, following Government restrictions, has been unfortunate.

However, this has created an opportunity for the redeployment of some staff from these areas into roles they would not normally perform.

Having staff work in different areas has created a great opportunity for those not working to use their skills and abilities in areas that are quite different to their normal working environment.

Chelsie is one of 14 lifeguards from Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre working as a school crossing supervisor, ensuring the continued safety of those children in the community that are still attending school.

Chelsie said she is grateful for the opportunity to be redeployed.
“To have the chance to work in another team has been greatly appreciated,” she said.

“The transition has been good and it’s been an amazing opportunity to get outside.

“Everyone has been so friendly. I have had the chance to chat with parents and other people passing by from a social distance of course.”

There are also six GEL staff providing administrative support, domestic assistance and leisure and lifestyle support at the Glen Eira Residential Aged Care facilities.

Council has paused most of its recruitment for now and is looking first to redeploy potentially impacted staff into roles that are, or have been vacant.

We are also considering opportunities for how staff could support our essential services.

Chelsie is one of 14 lifeguards from Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre working as a school crossing supervisor.
Chelsie is one of 14 lifeguards from Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre working as a school crossing supervisor.

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