Published on 09 September 2021

Notice of Intention to Amend Road Management Plan

In accordance with the Road Management Act 2004 (Act), Glen Eira City Council gives notice that it proposes to amend its Road Management Plan (RMP) following a review process.

The RMP details the standards in relation to, and priorities to be given to, the inspection, maintenance and repairs of roads, road related infrastructure and pathways to which RMP applies.

The purpose of the review, consistent with the role, function and responsibilities of Council as Road Authority under the Act, is to clarify the work process, revise selected intervention standards and response times, revise selected intervention frequencies and make miscellaneous updates where required.

Copies of the amended RMP, Review Report and Summary of Proposed Changes may be inspected during office hours, at the offices of Glen Eira City Council, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield South, or via Council’s website.

Any person proposing to make a written submission on the proposed amendment must do so before 5pm, Wednesday 6 October 2021.

Enquiries about the RMP should be directed to the Strategic Infrastructure Planning Lead on 9524 3333.



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