Published on 13 October 2021

Proposed Smoke-Free Zone Local Law

Notice is given under section 73(3) of the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) (the Act) that, at its Council meeting on 12 October 2021, Glen Eira City Council (Council) resolved to give notice of its intention, under Division 3 of Part 3 of the Act, to make the Smoke-Free Zones Local Law (proposed Local Law).

The objectives of the proposed Local Law are to:

  1. provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipality;
  2. promote a physical and social environment free from hazards to health, in which the residents of and visitors to the municipality can enjoy a quality of life that meets the general expectations of the community;
  3. promote the health and wellbeing of residents of and visitors to the municipality;
  4. provide mechanisms for Council to declare parts of the municipality as smoke-free zones; and
  5. provide mechanisms for Council to proclaim parts of the municipality as smoke-free zones.

The intended effect of the proposed Local Law is to:

  • provide for Council to prescribe and declare areas of its municipality as smoke-free zones;
  • create offences relating to smoking in smoke-free zones;
  • establish penalties for offences and provide for enforcement proceedings; and
  • empower authorised Council officers to issue an infringement notice.

A copy of the proposed Local Law and its Community Impact Statement are available for inspection and may be obtained, during office hours, from Council’s office at the corner of Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield. These documents are also available on Council’s websites at and

Council is applying a ‘Participatory’ community engagement process in accordance with its Community Engagement Policy. The community engagement period opens on 13 October 2021 and closes on 3 November 2021.

Any person affected by the proposed Local Law may make a written submission relating to the proposed Local Law.

An online submission form is available at may also be:

  • delivered to Council’s Service Centre, at the corner of Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield;
  • made by email to; or
  • marked ‘Smoke-Free Zones Local Law Submission’ and addressed to Brooke Ranken,
    Manager Community Safety and Compliance, Glen Eira City Council, PO Box 42 Caulfield
    South 3162.

Any person who has made a submission to Council and has requested to be heard in support of their submission may appear in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, at a meeting of Council on 23 November 2021 commencing at 7.30 pm.

Any person requiring further information concerning the proposed Local Law should, in the first instance, contact Council’s Service Centre on 03 9524 3333.

Mr Niall McDonagh
Acting Chief Executive Officer
13 October 2021

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Following consultation with the community, Council has endorsed a Smoke-Free Outdoor Policy, with an action to create smoke-free zones in busy shopping and walking areas in Glen Eira.