Published on 11 August 2022

Amendment C231glen

Glen Eira City Council has prepared Amendment C231glen to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme.

Planning and Environment Act 1987


Notice of the preparation of an amendment
Amendment C231glen

The land affected by the amendment is the commercial land within the Caulfield South Neighbourhood Activity Centre. It includes:

  • 542-722 and 758-804 Glenhuntly Road (even numbers)
  • 589-867 Glenhuntly Road (odd numbers)
  • 307-325 Kooyong Road (odd numbers)
  • 306-414 Hawthorn Road (even numbers)
  • 357-385 Hawthorn Road (odd numbers)
  • 2 Cedar Street
  • 136 Murray Street

The amendment proposes to implement the built form objectives and requirements of the Caulfield South Neighbourhood Activity Centre Built Form Framework (September 2021). The amendment seeks to provide permanent built form controls for land within the Caulfield South Activity Centre.

Specifically, the amendment proposes to make the following changes to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme:

  • Introduce a new schedule to Clause 43.02 Design and Development Overlay as follows: Schedule 11 (DDO11) Caulfield South Neighbourhood Activity Centre; and,
  • Introduce the Caulfield South Neighbourhood Activity Centre Built Form Framework (September 2021) as a background document within Clause 72.08 Background Documents.

You may inspect the amendment, any documents that support the amendment and the explanatory report about the amendment, free of charge, at:

Any person who may be affected by the amendment may make a submission to the planning authority about the amendment. Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.

Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions.

The closing date for submissions is 12 September 2022. A submission must be sent to Glen Eira City Council:

The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office and/or on its website for any person to inspect free of charge for two months after the amendment comes into operation or lapses.

Matt Slavin
Manager City Futures

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